Show UTAH ART r I 1 P exhibit to be held here next 1 week r eek upper foor floor ot of llie ille old school house will be scene of E exhibit 1 prizes to be bc awarded the utah art in ili ill hold its tenth annual exhibit in ili R clinell on dece abel ath h the commercio Com merci A 1 lub had in mind mini that this institute joil would meet here in ili januar january 3 ard at its last meeting the club simply inferred it t to the committee on education it no chops chop up thit the institute will be ba ald hermenet he liere renet next and the friends of art here will hatoe hac to get up and hubble in order that the prom promoters of this desirable educational c exhibit enill ill receive proper encouragement it is 13 the time that the has ever held an annual exhibit in any other town in the bbate except salt lake cit in order that the people here will wil 1 understand the importance of the meeting here is 13 the list of prices which ISM ft ill be a awarded added to artists for their work ork the state of ill be agn agnen en for the beba pointing painting b a utah rest resi dent arti arelt t the pain painting tn io ith it its frame to become a part of the alice art collection A prize of ou 50 r fuei oil for the iheke be t IN itar color the pintura ith itt iti frame crime to be cone co ne a part of the alice lit it t collection the folla follain fol loin ing ann rd I 1 bill be made 25 for the bast piece of sculpture 10 for the best draim drawing in fit black arid anil white 0 for the most articie irti tic original nil design in lie needle i ork or cru broi broider derN 10 for the arost artistic art itic longinal design executed in lood or in n til the committee re alres the right to na withhold an ani prize if in then judo adt ment the works sub submitted mittel are not dot worthy ol of the prize T the he rules governing doerning goer ning exhibits are as 15 follows follos none but original I 1 arks will be no ae cepter no IN works exhibited shall be r removed moto ed before thi close of tye the exhibition the institute shall use eier ciero ore caution to protect all works of art that are submitted submit td but 1 will I ill net b I 1 responsible for damage all works submitted for exhibition must be delivered not later than 6 p m on monday november no NoN ember 23 1408 to the redman bedman van storage corn cona ganv south temple street salt lake city or at the high school richfield not later that Decem bir I 1 3 1903 1908 the title of each aik oik the for abich aich it is ent entered ercal tle tie price inelL including din the frame if for lie bale an d the name ind and address of the artist must be sec irel attached to each piece all works submitted will he be passed upon li the c exhibition chibi tion co and those accepted thit that are conbeer eun bider cd orthy of exhibition all i auit b sent it at the artists ri rik k and but th ill on reimburse him on till all thit are accepted fut ehi ard will nill prepay return chergi on same works that are not accepted N 11 ill ll lie be returned at contributor s expense has been 1 1 I mis misunderstanding 9 as to the place of meeting the member of the InAi tate nho lio came to richfield to the facilities for holding the exhibit reported that thai the high school room had been acu secy ed cil As i a inetter of fact no one fine sw silv the members of the se school ool board aboaf the exhibit and no arrange ments hive been mad mada at a session of the school board on oil friday it lids ids decided th it tle the institute could h I 1 n L the usi of attic upper liner floor of the old building fur for the inhibit but the board could not ial d o to dismiss the high school for the exhibit 11 N hanes haes rece iLd d a letter from the committee in charge of the exhibit noti notifying fling him that tb the firt of works of art had been male maie to him and asking askin ghim him to tji tile e care or of ti tie the e shipment until the arrival of the COM committee MIttLe the commercial club stands reads to aid but the members baldly I 1 no v NN hit is 13 expected nl ni there is no one here who c e in furnish the nce esar information the hibit is a desirable debi rable one and the educators of the cian cit should ec ce to it that eier eer N possible nos joos sible arranged arran gem ent 13 a made for the proper handling of the affair don t hd about yourself when soure crippled with rheumatism or stift stiff joints of coure boue oue tried lots of things and failed try ballards inov li liniment it will drive away all aches pains dams and I 1 and leave leane you as well as you ever eler were |