Show B E E J T GROWERS G R 0 W E R S WANT W A N T A SUGAR FACTORY enthusiastic gathering in richfield Rich fieM last saturday and farmers are aie united on S securing acus ing factory in this county comity the beet of this county wen ven vcr much it in evidence in richfield on batur dt A meeting h hid id bean called by bi the county committee and the c oil cill ill resulted in a i presentation from every town in the county the courtroom was filled with an enthusiastic crowd when the meeting wis called to order W 11 was chosen chairman and R A lowe was appointed secretary there was some informal discussion ol of the objects of the meeting according to the call of the committee an executive committee wits to be selected and the matter of a sugar factory factor was to be discussed it was decided that a permanent permin ent committee of five should be elected to look after the interests of the beet growers of the county when nominations were called for there was a deluge of names suggested it was soon evident that each town desired representation on the committee R D young offered to withdraw f from rom the nominations in order that there might be an equal distribution of the committee members member over tile the Lou lourito rity J A moore suggested that it would a be better to hale haie a from each beet gr growing oiling district in the county this led to a reconsideration nf f the motion calling for a committee of five as en executive county committee the m mitter atter was reconsidered ly by the unini unanimous note ote of ane convention criton R D young moved that c ach cli town le ile given on this thib committee ind this motion earned there was vas some as i to the llie intent of the notion motion n and it N wis nis is finally sctt ed to mean that each vaid woisil nam its own tile tie 11 hulls ris tuft aas as in of adjournment nt and a meeting be called in order thi thit each ward vard would have hale a voice noice in the selection of its representative rece s of five minutes minute sv wis is ordered su so anat each towns could get and agree on a name foi the committee when the recess e aired the following names were presented by the dilt rent delegations joseph I 1 A moore elsinore EI IL H C larsen lareen brooklyn J A alcoie monroe J E Macle bj F B goold Inic rury C B greenwood annn anna belh W N spafford Spa Hord flord rii afield llara christensen W 11 II I 1 II 11 cuik blaik glen glenwoodw Glenwoo nood dJ J 11 payne venice A W hum Bue binan man aurora D A cloward salina E W crano crane martin jensen sigurd john kastrun Da D ai stin R A I 1 owe olve J al bolitho N wanted anted to I 1 now N what hat the committee NN was as to do his own onn understanding was that each dembei bembe get gat in and drill for a sugar factory while nut a beet grower groner himself he was vaas of the opinion anat a factory ads necessary and if one company could not build a factory yere here the committees commit committee teel should labor with other capitalists for the erection of a factory and if the sugar com companes refused to erect a factory then the farmers should quit raising beets J E magleby thought that there should be an expression from the beet growers as to taing stock in a compan that would erect a factor y R D young was as of the same opinion and he placed the amount at and he believed the beet baet gro growers lers of savier st vier county could sub scribe that amount he was as heartily in falor of a united effort and of duing cluing ei everything cry thing possible for securing the erection of 0 a ficsori fic fictor tori 3 khomas gledhill reported that what vermilion hinted was as son c e way wa of getting their belts to market olar 65 clr cent ot or the beets grown in that dietrict ditri ct are still in the held nineteen ears carb have been furnis furnished furn ishad hd ten cm I 1 still on the switches switched loaded the 1 he sugar company blames the ri r i aroid I 1 I 1 and blames the cuaar bromn any mi ali gledhill tile the aln sentiments I 1 imen ta of the deop people ae of Vir milin and sigurd when iian he fie bbate stated d that they wanted a factory for this county and aull work vork for cor fiat d c e id j C B groci had boil the aime ime complaint pla intas s vr air gledhill over ov r 7 cir loads 1011 of beets arion arfons waiting tor cars avci v aith of aeeti were ere in his fields spoiling at aid 1 I hl he believed the sugar company was responsible risible and that more beets li hid id been contracted than could bi be bindler it lehi ile he wab for a actor factory V for sevier I 1 ras rai anderson of annabella had the same complaint and lie he thought that the time had arrived for a ugal factory facton the people were converted to beet raiding in the county arid and a factory is a necessity nei etsity ile he pledged his best efforts foi securing a factory J al bolitho told in his droll vay how holy to reach any matter ile he told tile the meeting thit that the watchword should bould lie be action lie ile thought the time ripe for a factory he advised that either a factory be secured or that the farmers should quit raising beets the factory was necessary geo A beal said that about a faltor factory was gallery gallert talk lie ile did not believe that 1000 men could be secured in the county who would subscribe each to a factory he believed that enough land could be secured for beet raising that would roula induce a com nany to put up a factory hut but he did not think stock would amount to ay thing J B morrison was of the opinion that the people here in tile the county could sub subscribe cribe stock towards tov ards the erection of a factory and that with the guaranteeing of sufficient acreage to beet culture it would induce capital to put in a factory R A lowe was in favor of a f fic c troy and thought stock subscription with beet acreage would induce capital to erect a factory factory there is lard enough in this coi county nt to support two factories with dry farming gradually coming in with heap methods of farming t 0 e irrigated irrig ted lands farmers will have hale to turn to beets or some wh uch lable crop as the large dry farmers with nith traction engine plowing and harvesting hir vesting at low cost grain cram erlwig g is unprofitable to the irrigated linda farmer J al bolitho made the apropo proposition thit the canvassing committee need ed funds to secure nd foi incidental apenes ep enes J B on moved that each subscriber of pay a 5 ants per acre at the time of and that the assessment be limited to per acre for the she expenses of that committee until a factory is secured this was adopted F r B was of the opinion it ti itt t a pit all e of a sugar factor factory y thlik le L secured before the canvassing goes about securing acreage lie ile believed that it II would b beasy to get 3 to acres and the factory factor should be secured first he took oc cassion to say that the non moving of beets was nas not attributable to the sugar fact factory orv the company officials ar are L doing all in their power to get railroad f facilities ficili ties for moving the crop air goo goola stated that ti tie the e fault lay entirely with the rail railroad load company that the crop was ot mon moved ed gledhill ard and greenwood insisted that had reached them that the sugar company had contracted for more beets than it could handle mr bolitho a asked aled led mr air goold where the committee should turn to secure the erection of a factory mr air goold replied that he thou thought alit the utah idaho sugar company should be approached first a that company had been good to the beet growers mr air bolitho said he be favored the proposition of giving that company the first chance but if the company did not guarantee the erection of a factory in time for the crop of 1909 then the committee should secure other capital to erect the factory joseph was vas of the opinion that there should be a definite tinte time st s t for the securing of a factory on his motion it was decided that the ommittee should aim at the factory for the crop of J E magleby suggested suT that the proceedings be published in the reaper with the request that other pipers made note if cf it george beal opposed publicity but the meeting was in favor of tion of the details F B goold represented rel resented that the reason a factory otiis as not established here when asked before was that the representatives of the sugar compary had investigated the condition of beet culture in this thib county and ascertained that the average t anage per acre wis was fi hc e tons and then the i company 1 decided the county was nt ready fur a faL toly since thit time tima the averige avenge tonnage hid to 12 ind 15 anni the far frnncis ineis hii hid I larned arned how to rats raise e beets ind vie tie crops were successful and aid ot of as ah high average as any pl p me ice in tha aliz country VV 11 dark clark was ot of the opinion that the utah idaho company comp my would be the company which would eventually put in a factory li here rc ile he was satisfied that an investigation of conditions in the county would fie be bitis factory to the company as conditions were vastly different titan than if the committee was enough their work would in a factory the committee was given to under that it 11 must to the he end tint that a would be established ald ld aal a I 1 the ile metin rne lnig adjourned COMMITTEE the committee met immediately immedi after the meeting ind on motion of J E magleby elected W H clark chairman th airman of tile the committee N vitti fit instruction st truc tion to the committee ao a soon is red berdy for it to get tri to work he ws WIS empowered ered to select ilia hib ov or n secret iry ile he elected join hood who ho hii N 14 1 esclito d end and sustained su by tile the commett com mitt 0 the he committee v ill ircel on wednesday jt at lo 10 to complete the organization that bearg the data dat set by mr dark clark a |