Show assessment NOTICE nilton arn cr I 1 ini in principal I 1 laco face of I 1 ash e cs s sigar I 1 ut th ih notice is 13 hereby given thit at a maetina of the of the vermilion irrigation Irn gilion company Coni pany hell on tle di of october 1910 an of 1 per share wis levied on the capital stock of the said eald cor po raton pal ible tot to anc no treasurer at his offee in sigurd rutih on or bea beare re the 2 dil of if november 1110 1910 A iv stock upon which chiq asie jesment may mav rennin unpaid on the said day atil ill be delinquent ind advert sod iscil fo for r site sile at public auction and unless payment is made before will be told PI oil the dai of december 1910 to pw pa the dehr delinquent quent assessment together with costs of advertising and expense of sale PETER DASTRUP secretary NOTICE ceier cc pare irritation I 1 meat ion rom omi in im al place of bnair esq ss utah notice is hereby riven given thit at a me meting meeting ting of the directors of the cedar ridge irrigation Com held on the uth day dav of october 1910 RD an assessment of sl 1 pir pi r share was levied on the capital stock of the said corporation payable to ohp th treasurer at his big office in sigurd utah on in or before the day of november 1910 any stock upon which this assessment rna mai remain unpaid on the said day clay ill be and advertised for sale at public luction and unless payment is 19 made before will be sold old on the day of D december cember 1110 to pai the delinquent delin ae jesment ment goeth er braith fill costs of and ex pene pen e of sale PETER DASTRUP bec and Tr treasurer A NOTICE no 8 B WL W L H gold and silver mining minin 9 co principal plic elic c of business richfield gutib minca alin es located in the she hen rv mining district utah rtuh notice 11 19 hereby given that at i meeting mec of OIL board of diri caorsi or of th h I 1 11 W H gold ird ard sil silver minnie milling M ni id on the ath da iii of september an ot or to cen pena per share hii w ig levied on an the capital stuck stock of tile the company pliable to to tile the geo im jone nt at his offe in richfield Rich fied utah any took which upon this thia abbes asbe ment may remain on oil the day of october 1910 idill be declined irad ired delinquent and for sale ajo at al luction luc tion and unless pigment is in ids de before will be sold on the d of november 1910 at i 2 P if at the ollice office of the in richfield ut ill ih to kiy p ty the delinquent as together with the oat cost of advertising verti ver sin and expense of geo AT jones secretary Sere tary pledl tien i il 11 utah assessment NOTICE NO 4 office of the mining compani compan principal place of business richfield rutih notice is h hereby e re by eien that at a meeting of th the e d directors i rectors of the said corporation po ration held on tate day of september an assessment of one half cent per hare was lepied on oil the outstanding capital tock of said corporation po ration payable immediately to henry jr gee secretary of said corporation it his hia office in richfield utah any stock upon chich this ases ment maa ma rem remain tin unpaid id i n I 1 the dan ild of october 1910 will be delinquent and for silo sile at public auction sno eno ures ure 3 pigment is 13 made before will all le sod on the dal da of 1 boemler No N oemler emLer 1910 at 12 noon at the ollie of the corporation at richfield utah to pal pa delinquent assessment a se together with the costs coats of advertising and expense of if sale henry jr 3 location of office L H residence e richfield Kich field utah fur far use on tile the I 1 ice and hands dr bells antl anti pain painS Sal ahe e is 13 ane bast it Is 13 d creamy inow chite ointment ard 1 one I box wi abt three for sale by a d chilers ileria assessment NOTICE lone tree gold and hilver alining co compan con n pann pan Princ principal place of bubi ness nesa richfield utah notice is 13 hereby given that at a meeting of the directors odthe lone tree gold and sliver silver mining company held at richfield rutih september 13 1910 an assessment of 1 5 os of one cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the shareholder i thereof payable to the treasure james hl Pe peterson terron at his office in richfield utah any Anys stock toek upon which this thib assessment may remain unpaid on the ath d iy ay of november 1910 will be delinquent and advertised for or sale dt at public auction and unless payment ib made before will be old bold on oil the atia day da of 1910 jemes james AT Pe treon Soc |