Show S the fhe bankers child as tit il rit at th the c richfield house list i CIlL owning ning vis vas by 1 1 I fair sized audia nce but then tint that need not in be aiken as try my extraordinary endor endorsement emont of the plan pa for the richfield hou houe c Is ib ll duall all tile the of large rh play here as a 1 leirion oi 01 art an alteration of tin ori on ginal ill ply i but the th app ard cd not licit to detract bioni the plot about thi best tint that lan be s slid lid of the local is thit that it is 1 no worse or c thin the tha igual perform inoc of its elbs little Stcl stella li ano ane 11 bear old who ho so a part in the pl pi inac did all ring the falt fact thit that jhc ho is re to the phit hiving having tilen it only a short while igo ago the work of the leading lidy lids vis A is subject to con antii asni ENTERTAIN richfield no 18 knights of tile the M entertained them tiles ti les ies and I 1 few of their friends tit in their hill on main street evening bout about 50 nacre present esl 12 high fie furni blied till con deisting Ei sting of cake orange or angea c birdi ard I 1 etc to followed la clear cizar for the go atre served the ant lant was aas one of the most pleasant plea sint th thit it the MaLe alec have ever enjo cd in richfield |