Show COMTES V IT r ti 11 ILS avri ill ln lilli till lib ins ills top tn li r do lent gain III ill duration 1 tit u i A di nation race of 11 0 minutest esl N vill ill bl be pulled off in ill the uon lion ton rink at it AT mil friday evening betiN ceil Aliss be chloc thurston of this lity and breathwaite of manti M anti inti a ca cash cah h arl prize ze to KO go with tile the award preparations are rc being meic in ide for a I 1 li ial browd alrod to go frum from this city and it is cp acted to seccie one va wiy the ahr rail nil lod for tile the oca notation ion aih fit thurs thura trin is tic i winner of tile the racy race at the anona link ind and is as one ot of the bett bet hk bk itera tit in the cita eit ane event KICS gives arouni t t ut of ilin bains the most boht chiting citing one ever cir pulled off be tArn tile two to turns tov ns in addition to this attract attraction in thare will ill lin be i a rice nee open to fourteen icar car old boa bos and 1 i I cash apri prie edvill will ano also go to the winner inner of this contest it is probable pro bible thit that hood will be h contestant P adinie nill be given after the lacals |