Show L 7 E E 71 eiff an FE V A TO A CAR LOAD OF a v fl P plows aws cultivators and i harrows has H a s just been received H ajr we ca can 11 outfit ou pir fir f ir your skiing ZD JH this is going 1 0 to be a good year and you laj t should not nerle neglect 0 ct your ci ops aps you want ij the b best st of implements to get the best 1 ir IT insult ic sult ll 11 1 i 11 we can also supply all houi needs in 1111 lf ea the line of WAGONS HARNESS FORKS SHOVELS and all kinds of faim utensils the leading implement dealers consolidated wagon and 1 machine company I 1 GEO T ODELL gen mgr ED VAN local alar mgr s jp yan 74 morrison candy co 0 11 01 1 j blobel i st FA gil fi I 1 bresh bandies 6 ANDIES aad ardI GARS t i rl 1 1 POT f AT FOUNTAIN rOdN TAIN NA 10 ih 1 coffee tea chocolate beef tea and bouillons bouillonn f p j everything sanitary and wholesome ft 61 01 Ss S have him missed one chance 6 here hera is another perhaps as good while you ni roeie ei e thinking 0 about it somebody oine body ebe cle got hold of tint piece ot of pi ty you lad houi eye on peal beal estate is in demind alie thee e dal das s and a ba bargain rain 0 dont m anait ait loi long we still hae choice fuei III ings ars some oine new ones one if f 3 ou on were di disappointed appointed before N wo c can pi pio bably till suit you but it if is anything in this list that st like you you had bet bottei t ei speak peal quickly fol foi thee e snaps dont last lono long 0 corner orner balt bait lot with i room adobe right located in brooklyn here is a first chance for a gool farm at 30 per acre blocks past house situated si 1 I on two cabins oell nell and on land north street other improvements I 1 oa cnut cant discount this for a bareau bargau ale aie a ummer summer litchen two good cepl lars on under the hou house houe e cooj goo car here is a chance thit probably will nage shed poultry house bouse stable etc not appear again nex brick residence it if you TOU v ant this place at rail call at containing four rooms alto aud once as we ion don t expect this ad to ap pantry rooms room nicely furnished and pear again terms terig down awan bal papered electric lights water works notes on time and modern convenience plop p rt situated one block west of johnston full fall lot brick house of t too 0 rooms hotel hote call toddy today if you vaut rant this sta stable bleh sheds eds poultry house and one home at vve evill till give gice yol yoi time of the best family orchards in town on part of the price property situated on street leading to glenroot Glen rood price 1650 will take 10 one half corner lot nith ith 0 one ne and down balance on time one half story brick residence c con on taming I 1 rooms donn stairs ind and i 4 luide inside lu ide half lot I 1 block north and 41 4 rooms up tip good cellar and blocks east cast of tabernacle tabei nacle ney nev picket water vater la ia the house bouse ahe lot cout contains aim fence and fine building spot a line young and a good worth at least but vill till sell for poultry house this property has hab a 1150 cash north front and 19 situated in the south part of town tod here is a good one of best hotel properties in se bome reaia real to move into tor for oily oaly vier tier county good location city lot 1025 gool stable yards and sheds in coal connection aution dome doing it a rood good busin business Rs inside half lot with nith south front in I 1 arst class rock bul building ding Q aj takes south southwest est part of toy tov ii fino fine bull I 1 it will take pai pait t pavE cent cerat ill n farm arm ing site puce only aco 1160 and if ifju ing ine land ibis will nill not la last are short abort of money we e will bill zell sell it to une ong you duy anyway ay akifty A filfly acre fadim arder the be bevier choice rei letice close in inie V alles callol situated about three 11 alf if of lot lit buck ick house modern aud miles of town with nith boo 1600 water convenient nater r borks arks and I 1 likht fenty lien tr ire cultivated most lights bern barn lud au out of 11 it t lucern if ou kuo kno v ho to raise bi k bargain it A the price lucern seed you ought to be able to 1800 altita 1800 00 do MI li balance 0 on u clear the he puce piles c cf f the firon firm in one olio sea time at 8 per cent son price j 1600 leisl i adu foi some le idelt of yen veu le cc A parcel pari el of 42 of far famine lind in austin some of he best sudi belt beet cerii cornor r lot in south cast ast part of land lit in the county good nanc imbat ton toan n fenced and only one block front from nearly mearly all cultivated hero here is a snap main strut Y i heap bu wing lot at fol foi au W pel pei lore only inside half bl bi alding lot south front 1 30 acres of land about one halt half ruie mile north of venice foi fliam oi 01 lood good orchard situated or on bouth and th hie h L ie e blocks east ot of 1111 mm p pasture a iture will sell alic cheap ap and on ea eay easy y term on 13 two blocks front from city park nd it erin very terr desin blu location I 1 cr i fiort i A choice barmine piece of cl acres time we are offering this property tor for au acres in larty hay with alth 75 shares share water only we also lia hae e kotlier properties which ai we e bax hae e not space to de describe cribe angiono among ca them being a t good stock lanch banch desila De le bargains bai gains in both city and eimil faim 1 ale aie beidl being placed effi ith 11 c deiy day if ou llan icae e ana an talin tiling 0 to sell oi 01 you NN ant to buy dont fail to call on us C 3 1 ip pai L rw X U ila w G L u 1 aj mal J IA lau lauritzen ritz n manager ria nager c ti ri court house utah richfield opera house saturday april 14 hans ranson A play in swedish dialect big band and orchestra 25 PEOPLE 25 popular prices monday april ath the startling sensation the M 01 UA N 5 H RS DAUGH ER FM 8 big vaudeville acts 8 entire production carried surprising climaxes beautiful scenery novel vaudeville prices 25 35 q zt EGG flold lh ili i li ILO ILC C B D 1 11 II ROCK 1 V K 11 C E W V i ANDO I 1 ri L i st SK qt t i pet pel ettin 0 11 1 1 BROG Ri clifield wall would you like to live in CALI ORNIA I 1 have bave lifted heed a tra tract ct of land continua conti nun 2600 abeles in ill fieno county midi etli in an irnia ti tion on system that na ill 11 be cut up till in ill 5 and 10 acie 1 tl ti lct ti t suit stilt this is the best fit section of iho stati lateri ture iuro sent 01 oil application to H W LEWIS UTAH |