Show MOWING DOWN THE PIONEERS death invades several soviel county homes hoines bell of rihino ic mil arid hins H ins cani chilst ti linen iii cn mid and mr and mi III ietti petta lel of Rull feld alil an gnei tile the flail ticul rho mess messengers agers of death have been kept busy during the past pas winter aud and atno at no time since this valley has been settled has so many summons been made upon the aged and middle aged in the same period of time onu ono ba b one they have been gitner ed to lo their heir eternal homo home during the past week three more have been added to the list rhomas bell of elsmore elsinore and hans and avis nr Is peter nielsen of richfield each had reach od a ripe old age and each went ii ent to I 1 I 1 he ar rive 1 re mourned and respected by many relatives I and friends THOMAS BELL thomas bell passed away avay at his home in elsinore last friday of general debility and old age trie funeral services were held sunday bunday and were nero well attended six acil of his ons buns were pallbearers pall bearers the choir chair rend rendered pred the musio music at the services seivi sei vices ies rho rhe speakers were august kotter hotter sr L august kotter jr r of elsinore aud and ed aard pa ne ll it and P C peterson Peter sou of glenwood M mr r bell wa a born irk in england nearly sl 81 years ago and crossed the r lams laina to balt bait lake in ill 1851 with an a 0 team learn in willara empey 9 company and was nias here employed as a gardener by drig brig lan s judg lor for tio he was marr married I 1 ed to mabala ebol shortly after arriving in utah in 1654 mr r bell ell mor moved ed to levan where he remained but a short time moving to ephraim then in to glenwood where inhere hit hib wife its died lie he wis nis gained edlu that year to henriette Henri elte C E lund aist on of trouble nit uth lithe the in didds a ten fen 3 cars lalar he moved back to ephraim Eph raid where hero he be remained ino file years aud and then to glenwood Gleno oJ in lie moved to Eisin oia 0 and there his second wile dlud litho years later inter the deceased le ie t titi s a eimil of 11 children silliam brnard charles alvin aud and matilda Md tilda bell mrs mr 8 J W and mr amri chris johnson al all 1 of elinore bishop H 11 boll bell of glenwood boj mr mice laub of oe st georee aind an john I 1 bell of As ashley lileY HISO also 50 grandchild grandchildren reu and and four great grandchildren mr lell WAS v as i a quiet k nj industrious man ind was as highly rejected ted by tho the entire community iima I 1 I 1 kina under the of 63 beirs ind a attorn Torn out body hill sink into the last peaceful slumber sunday bornuk lit ht tile home of his bis daughter mrs N 11 I 1 at nu abella since the ibo deab of his big wife a little over two years ago id mr r his declined rapidly and for the past several mouths months lie lids been a lie hel less iless invalid mr as cn cne L of the r T 10 of 0 thi L cuaty ile he tamo came to se cpr ii ic abil it it the time of the ind indan troubles when peace N v is restore I 1 he be locktee permanently in III ind lids been oue due of that list of sir old timers whose rank is ril rii adly thinning diio was bom boin in albeck denmark Deri mark december 9 1912 ho was i mined in his countey ft ith ins ills famiie he camo came to this country lit in alro lo citing first ill at E ebhraim braile und and 1 iter atti family of ten tell laudi chii dieu en hiis hiie ives seven these tile hans Lori nieu of elsinore mr N 11 of Inu insabella abella mr ats Joll jersek sev aels le ils 0 floreu r il mcl ind li 11 P 1 christians of 0 f richfield lud ind james en or of silt lake NIELS kielb rattier unexpected kas as tho be death of niels alter NILI SeU hieb occurred earley earcey sinddy morning while liu ile hal pneumonia which at lis his KB is ii 1 dise from whick chicione cione one aar rarely ely recovers rs it ita nas snot not genc generally rally lii own that his condition condi tiou was nall cariou lie ile was aa not ill didie alj abiu lu ii a neak mr nt atlon 1011 NN hiis its cOmIllo comilloni nl allo n as ailor 1 I 1 0 r nielson thrush it ij 1111 been a i oica fr al alii h boyhood to ill alln time lc h drue to butr 21 11 eurs ngo ago lia t la i r U b 0 diirr r I 1 1 lutat I 1 L neri er it 8 1 1 lit t if 11 nit yurii burll lit in 1 D j 11 11 ul i I 1 J I 1 a ilvo I 1 ui ill bet ar he k out I 1 huri I 1 pen eai iiii led 0 y yi irs irh mr aid n ill M mrs rs iliou came fucles to L alb in 1885 and settled in Richfield hind and devoted to each other and to their children ren the loss ot of a son recently in hild salt sa t lake was keenly felt by them and depressed them mrs nielsen survives tier lier husband hus bond but she ehe is expected to follow soon as she is lit in it critical LOII LOD heisele two to sons BOUS ind three daught daughters daug hUrs also survive tho the deceased FOLLOWS HUSK scarcely brid bad the echoes of tho the lods clods I 1 fallins ailing on the bosom of mr nielsen nielse n died aay afternoon than the spirit of hia constant and hedri broken fife left its earthly homo home to join thai of husband in that eternal buma beyond the stars it was a fit ting finale to the lives of irna I 1 nis devoted i tousle our ie living together for nearly flet years they were separated in death by only a fe fes hours mrs airs niel b en vas as 75 yeorg ye arg of dge age |