Show SUICIDE AT S E IT IER MINE wan en hicl hick takes fatal dose of poison becom Ite comei acau I 1 junr oung ladi lad would sot not V irr hini him and gilld life with biad threatened before gold mountain nugget 1 on oil oa baening ening of list veel eek about 7 it tha bunk house of the se sein ili l mine warren hicls hicks of monroe fonroe committed suicide by b str thit that the deed w is premeditated is an all insured fact yet ne N e believe thit that the 3 oung mm man did not intend the dose to pro proe e fital fatal and thit that de deitle ith wis as 1 1 I factor in the c aime laic tint that lit hl hid had not nol counted on on oil occasions lie he ind halt to kill himself prod idad that a certain gill did not promise to tc become his blushing baile lit in the neat furuie he evidently intended intond d to make i a grind rind r ind t ind play lit in which he mould k figure as 1 i I hero he prohibit probably pictured a couple of hours of sickness sick nest io with ith the i weep cep ing etti etta it his bed bedside ide promising to lo 10 loe e anil and obey him forr forcer oo lr more should lie he eburn to life at the crit critical icil moment ane doctors would ire u rue it the scene cene ind and rush in 11 with i dornach tor pump detract the fatal contend conteri lb from his lunch b asket then i speedy peed marriage ind 1 i I hippy happy life forcel after but tile the rate late of dastin had I 1 tilled tiled otherwise ind and the foolish boy was as gjoen i speedy passage aaros the rier mer of direness dir kness knes into 7 the grait great be yond ond after the inquest the body bod was as loaded onto 1 i I hind hand sleigh aleigh iti ind pull ed to robinsons ranch by b fi file e men on skits where a teim team wis wa to lalia can te remains to monroe I 1 ere they were pr prepared epard fol foi burial orson kaily one of hicks most t intimate int imite companions comp imons and one of the princ principal witnesses at t tile the inquest s stid slid tid thit that deceased seemed eer teil to be of in ordin irv disposition but some whit hit inclined to drink vt at times limes no particular conel atholl took place beleen be teen hicks tit nd any of tile the other hands at it tile the sevier mine on hi dan da of tile the suicide ui cide he hid bid been drinkin di bunking dunking inkin a little during the da d but dill not eem to be the influence of liquor lit at supper time after cuppet I 1 licks hicks went to the boaldin bo bonding aidin house houe and stad for abbat an all hour after he hid been in tile the bunk house for some time lie he asked kell kel fol foi ill chiy knife ind it t is given to him he sat bat on the bf bed d and scratched ched the sell seal off a mill bottle he extracted the cork ind and handed the knife bick back to K kelly ily hicl s then stood up facing the wall ivall ind took a drink of whis k 1 he return returned Ld to his bed und and M god what is in that N w hisky lot the young oung mm min then went out side ide but bt returned in i a few minutes minute the other inmates of tile the cabin v ci e standing around the stove i nging hicks joined them for i 11 few minu teb and the jumped onto his bed I 1 ing ill he M is sick no attrition itte jp asp nd lid to him it first but finally when killy ki lly iskold him hat lat vas the mitter hicks did not ingv er after repelled repeated questioning lie he said h hid had cramps ill over ocr co ii solutions et lit in ind he be cime came i agid ig gid ird ard frothed it tin mouth month A messenger N is skirted foi i a doc tor but the young m mm in hid had expired about fifteen minutes laell ni no 0 tr arii allt i could bl be found of the bottle hichme aich lie w is noticed to hai lne e in ins his h ind miss lee v who ho is also ex amin 1 ed I at the inquest spited that she 11 it d hicks lud knoo known each othea for I 1 15 S months ind iiii had be come er entina tie ite friend dul duang in the holidis lie mado miss lie in it of matria madruge mai ruge ge but being ige age ind and her p befits refits objecting to 1 hick ick wis v is de decided cidad bethin beti in the to 10 1 wilt lit until she became of ige age about two months igo ago lie he 1110 eLl mi miss s lee ind and her i a bottle thi gioldi girl lenerel it erard to be i lottle of strychnine slie site induced him to gie it to ile hei ind and she put it if in tile the stoe to e hr he wis nis cry of tile the girl ind objected to liei hei going with ith ot ari noun oung men not sec him f aiom orn the lie 2 z ith th of I 1 the day di lit hi corn com bitted the lie deed as lie he was it tit the L powei plant pl int HL he hid had mother talk with her during in tile the aft afternoon anoon of M 1 l tich ich 14 ind and exhibited another bottle of sarch nine she told him ile he would cold be biking a fool of himself some of these day das he ans ered yes ind and spited st cited that she mi might lit be sut siu pried ened he her ber bigun after supper he kissed mis lee good knigt ind started awi aai but went back ind and kis kased ed her aa a again os a in ind and sa aid id goodbye by e deal tins this is tile the last time tim it site she notified joe 11 bitton t ton tint that licks hicks I 1 would be 11 witching watching an inquest vaas w is held tile the follon folio inday ing before justice J JJ J ste inci with a 1 jin composed of walter chi chistensen F I 1 H r engelke ind and G A piton paxton ind afeei tile the evidence of wi it the aboe I 1 is tile the substance i a a is returned turned ic that hit hicks had come to his death by his ox own it hind ind th tint it death was vis it MS a i a cleir clear ca case cae e of stich iune poisoning tile the follow in gnp is i a copy cop of the letter aich hicks wrote role to mrs hii s etti lee i 1 bem fem fe houis homs beffie tits nis death se sener ier mine march 14 1906 1906 de deir ir etta with gref ind p pun tin and tt embling hit hii d I 1 endeavor to ante ou these chev bev lines to tell ou ho 1 I ful ibo abo it this you told i a fellow thit that w we hid had quit ind arld tint that bjelks my m hert I 1 asked ou off if on of avo would uld aei haibe im e althin to do with till me and 3 ou on said 3 ou oil kno know well etti etta you on know 3 ou on are ill all chete I 1 is on oil eaith foi me and I 1 told you OL whit I 1 is going to do ind and I 1 i ill unless OL of terl me th tint it ou on will be true to me etti etta I 1 kno know that 3 ou on dont like me iry in mot moie e but I 1 cant help but like you ou you tie lie the only thin thing on earth for me well kid there is a I 1 fe few lines that I 1 maue up before I 1 go to rest I 1 kno know that 3 ou on belie belice e it but it is good night si t good night angel mote moie oh it i you was with N ith me in the gral grae e that is all on oil earth 1 I ll wint valt F tremell ireve ell deir dear barev farewell ell F from r till the truest f I 1 lend to you on earth WARRIS hicks tile the nugget on beida of tile the of the comin community unit extends sy s to the aged parent of the suicide silt rheum Itlie um lull illig itin NN alei heigis p bal limbers lim iiii allot all of these diseases disi dis asea ases are attend attended rd L in tense itch itching ing which is almost lu in scantly relieved reli ored by applying chamberlains ber lains halve and ami by its continued use a complete ure cure may be ef effected feLted it has in fact many lases cases that had resisted all other tre treatment fitment ment prices per bo I 1 lor or sale by neill drug co rid AWARDED AG A G loung auns sets gets contrat Cun loi joi build ing ie the contract for building the now new school house eclus ni 0 of the f foundation oun da work which I 1 as already under way aas awarded await led to I 1 G U loung loun of oc etch bich held field list on opening the tie no v bids bid mr young s bid for tho he building complete with ith lumber shin shia agles and brick to be furnished lj the school board vas nas of oher her bids were ere as follows charles dowd brick und cut stone stona work nork and cement work plastering and cement I 1 worl work for first story only N P Mark markman mau plastering and cement work S 11 helmont belmont brick and lut cut stone work nork 50 A paint pa intine irig ta 3 andrew olsea and leui lehi ence all work furnishing all m material ater j a WW au it ills is gratifying to know that the worl work his been beau by a home contractor it means that the money tor for the work will remain at lome home |