Show A FINE OUTLOOK what i 1 fine outlook there i this cir c ir fol foi the industry ind in dusti in this thib pirt part of ut anh h in se sevier ter pullet pinte way Wane ne and garfield counties tile the ground is tilled with moisture mois tuie ill all th emiller ire re coiled to the bi big otter click CILLI I 1 reservoir eser voir is filled lapid ld v mth ith c ceby deiy ina cation thit ehlt it will be filled to its and mountains of enoi elored iwa chich inch will furnish ample water for months to come to the farmers this mein abundant crops of grain and iny plenty glenly of balci for augir beet culture first filst class conditions for gardening and fruit roving growing to the stock men it meins acin excellent ranges and grazing grounds which aich will mill fatten cattle horses and sheep a good prospect ined for th this isear ear and tile te farmers should avail themselves of it |