Show reprehensible CONDUCT the itt I of thin thi i article his no bicci 0 0 amii intone Cs 1 of utter titter dis I 1 ichird eird of the brodet I 1 ind rights of people in ili this thi lit it that lie he deems deem it timely timal to c call ill public attention loll 1011 to tile the m ratter 1 I ter we heinl 11 1 t een cell jai laige I 1 c ind small children antei upon peopled people s premises anil and ake their inch niton lenit emid emi d to we lia ila L them rob lit ris nests nest t tike ike flint pluck ind cm call off other person ia property we ila hae e seen cell in some caw case the ili aders re with ind the reply his has been to go to I 1 li thi ll hive te isted Ps s though tile deemed they ind a right to commit uch buch acts it is not alone the loss of the TOP prop ell eit tint that but sometimes Bome limes times much mitch darna damage is c is i done to other prop ell cit we know of one instance where bos went into n orchard ird hi rc were cherry trees and broke off bi big branches of the tree almost ruining then them the n floa flower er beds and lawns hae bac been trampled arid and lounged upon during the temporary absence of on owners ers ind misused sh it has almost come to a pass va w lure A pe pesca peo i his to v vatch itch ili his phernie pr ernie ni night and daa da cannot something be done to put a stop to this it is morally and criminally wrong as no one ne has the I 1 light ight to tal take ke or destroy the property of another it is as inexcusable in children old enough to know better as a it would bould be in men and women and when a remonstrance non is i met inet with a rough adough ind brutal reply it becomes nil an butia C thit justifies jetretie et reTie measures measure of I 1 et prients cm cin do i grit deal to N ird con connecting acting these abbes by im pies pi essing upon their children the atoll wrong ind crime of such delpreda eions if there is not i 1 I chainge for the better soon some people will hel the necessity of becoming 0 a I ll it t N unto ind administering ili punishment SPELLING ELLING 11 IND AND READING of the persons who took the state for teach teachers tea clurs titi cites cates f filled arid and in ill nearly cery case the failures fai luies were nere in reading and pedagogy pedigo gy of Sevi eis 29 applicants but 9 pissed we tins showing reflects the vencial condition of the school children of tills state late I 1 it t allos that tile the importance gin to tile the tel belching ching of spelling arid and reiding in it the public schools tod today ty and all that attached to these bi by out cailin eam ineis it at van all ince thercie there is nothing mote moie L LS sentil in ili a pi ac ed education ti cation one fitting a 3 oung man mail or N om oin in for foi and cleil clencel cil po positions irions and business callings thin than g good spelling ic leiding iding and el to of these bi bunches inches ire bulging ju igme bioni tile of teacher I and from the NC v e lne had ith school lad intes some om ahat w hat ne If cled led we wc are of tile the opinion thit sonic some of the blanches taught laught in ili the public school tot tod 1 coul dibi chirt oliell in ili faor of 1 ie C turn to more attention to t ie ic rudi of in an edail kation that pre pren illein led a J gencia tion tild ind more ago while the edilou of the rempei was nas it in mt pleasant rl ri bently lie he the qu katei teis of the Cc cemmer miner CI II club of ill tint it city cit ile he found not oil appointments which pro pio ide closure plo sure ind rc rei tion lion foi the club s member and nd gu 11 but found also plans afoot aoi foi the adamic mant and promotion ot of objects which cannot fail to ila hac c a beneficial ical effect upon that city Is pro progress cressand ind prosperity just such thing thin 1 is I would ha hive e a healthy in ind nn igor influence in III building up ill ind idding hiding to tile lie in acl wi I f arf r of tile the city of the T hu e C one of tile the good results of uch such 01 11 ere cre tile the more is one impressed vv NN ith the utility iii I 1 need of such an institution for this city cit Rich held should anve i 1 commercial club b ill all means Ren registration as lor for the elc election tion this fall begins tilt tins month the registration gi dis ire are augut august 13 21 and 25 ani and october 9 10 md d 30 there icib been 1 i I chainge ch inac as in the laws since the lift IT which should not be lost ight of B i I 1 new every jector elector who ho ill li I 1 not vote at tile the last laa gener geneal it I 1 or municipal alec lec ion 1011 must alain again in III order to be qualified to N vote ote it the next net general election A person who registered last 3 beir air but lid did not v otc etc must register agam 0 aln ehte arif lie he wishes to lote otherwise be lie he v avil I 1 be denied tile the prin privilege llcy e on oil election da A person vv ho 1 legi e dered in 1904 lint but did it not I 1 ote at the general beneral election thit veir cannot vote acte this lar ar without I 1 clist t ri ig again chicago is mail order houses house v will ill I 1 not lot sell to people within foit doity miles of thit city tilt the de used to bt be t N 11 avi L miles out but cheap r ante tte on oil trolly lines rade it so people wet to ulf the mill mail urdel stori storis s to loot look o over cr the gools good beffie bill baing ing TI is is hat the m onil ill cordei co iceren want so 0 o the deadline MS is out fifteen miles faither fu ither bellm selling without the patron seeing the goods is the scheme of the mill anil order outfits A word to the ilise ie i ought is to be st si efficient the reaper I 1 is among those v w lio ho beli believes ees Go Go einor cutler has ex eri er ased good judgment in ili refusing refusing t to call an extra session of the legi legislature the ex exigencies lac of tl the A agricultural is C college ollee olle as e Un university tersil controversy are not so pressing and ur urgent c ent that an etia le legislative session would have been justified then tile the strife ind contention that would hive 0 would hive been very cry detrimental to t the h e I 1 interests n an and 1 I v welthie el f it e of the t h e state we like the suggestion of the salt lall lake telegram Tele grim tint thit the riat nat tu of con consolidation olt dation of the ia 1 college and tile the university be left to and liken up lip by the vinous county conventions convent ons wl en ell the nall ire be held throughout I 1 tile the stitt 1 1 I his would put the officials and the nl antt t le legislature i slature directly in ili touch N with ith the sentiment of the people of the state on the proposition aria ana should be i L N valuable ALI i aide guide to them we m ay e thought NN we L ilav have L hid some ilot hot weather lather 1 this summer but ours ivis ins been is a 1 pol ii seison se ion compared with tile the torrid heat beat which is from the death valle country in ill the thermometer running up ill to and during the day da and squid st ind ina in inga a I 1 degrees it midnight is let us beat no boic complaint about hot in ili these v lies ile and mountains of otili ut lb 01 CITY or OF TOLEDO I 1 COUNTY or lacks lie is f SS FRANK J CHENEY oath that he is the senior partner of t the he firm of 1 I J aco cot doing business in tha city of toledo county aud and state af abores ores nd lid and that said firm will nill pay the sum of ON HUNDRED for 0 ich dud and every cabla of CATARRH CAT Annil that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS HALIS CURL COKL I 1 RANI BANK J to bufore me dod and subscribed in my presence this gab day ot of december aw A W GLE abo bon SEAL notary public halls catarrh cure cm e is taken internally and alts acts directly on the blood and mucous sur surfaces biLes ot of the system send bend tor for testimonials tree F i 1 v cot co rol edoO sold by druggists halls family P 11 are he best |