Show no r I 1 f I 1 to th toh holders or of the lah buld implement company a cor nord tion A stockholders meeting of the tha 1114 hilele implement company a corporation po ration of utah is hereby here by callad to tn convene lu in the on 8 or of the store building of said comp company aily lu in beld utah on the first dar of september Septem lierA A D at t 10 0 clock i m tor for the I 1 urple of amending the articles kirti cleg of incorporation of said com coin kev as follow follows te tc wit wil iud aud amend lug the sama so as to read is follows article 8 anu annulled tilled and following foU owing to be substituted tile the officers of this shall consist of a board of five fire directors gorsof of three ab ill constitute a quorum forthe or the transaction of business aud and from abi which li hull be elected ii a president vice president preside ut md ind secre tura tar ind and from among the tha stockholders ii treis uror and a manager hoard board of directors shall be elected bj L it a majori ti of all the stock represented at the aniual stockholders meeting all ab li ill be elected lor the tha term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified 1 dunles utile sooner or remo erl ed arld and shall hai ba a 0 such powers and lie be charged with such duties as usually ap partain to such ownes |