Show GOLDEN REEF HOLDS MEETING 1 JIG ahle election uon jf if Ofik ers loi the atie en nine yai Y ai al pr wa 11 clort 4 rori 4 1 tobin W wor ir akier ILL whet i kmen tit by yien vion t V i 1 t stott A t it t I 1 tle lb conj hodij b ol of the golden reef Mic hold ft FI F ea 16 nore core last saturday lor for the purpose 6 olac sing and ad hennas the reports te of 0 tu the y tad broce i ere pei P ft dent wooda woods d ri caider and L ire report pori on ake io condition of the property pro erty ty the main tinnel Is now new lac feet 30 teet of this distance dle tonce dd 7 feet of the vwe having leon heen driven brittin enco ic lat t montine therace the of the tunnel ll ig much inuos broken up alo tl 6 to what vant Is ie kno knon fenon n ev the vein which ho he estimated wee was vitula XIO feet ol of the ae feia 0 of 0 the t annel he considers the properly in n very proa elac condition pad aorl will bo be pushed to the pon dihe boo bo o tt ti 0 oin iona fail ill ot oc tat topped ped tho the reports of se detary E S N hayes fud t treasurer J H erickson Enc lisen showing the be financial condition cond tion ol of the company wak p besent d end and accepted it atwi thet that iho the whose stool raf oid to pay asenas ment no C G would liot biot be permitted to redeem thie stocal vy 03 the os as B ss emment and cot Ps ashai bet teen the in the pes pas fhe saw e oba AF v ert 0 ole ott d for the ensuing year FA F A a at alaio the aa bama board of df director dir ecton ectorE the stocal haders elders ire are jacb melicour aged in the 0 otwool for the property BS as it pomie p omie to bt bf r p inco before locc rf PF 3 vire of i fi cop for iii yar kt alc tlc annual of oatho the stock hold bold r ol oi the sevier con oli dated aning company held jn in ogden last we weel ol 01 the be following follow tor for the year vero elected S 17 tulloch oi of washington D 0 pe aident to su ceta himself W E mailou of oad on vice edear edcar H thornton of ogden treasurer tron surer phil 11 magots orty tib add dional directors are V B turpin of washington and dd thomas ashen of 0 ogden reports of bene al nager roster and other oft leors were nere read and showed tle properties to be in n e wello nt condition and aad the will mill performing splendidly FROM TA J F giu 1 to to goolt after I 1 libei J I 1 gilbs who for moro more than a tear sear past has baa had aba ha go ee of the development of the property of a company compa n y operative operating at gold butte nevado nevada r re e turned to saturday to spent a ie ferl W wels ele lobac liter int s ests este in that mining minine section mr the mining situ bitae a tion in the southern hout bern part of nevada where he has been acry lic reful and hs be is sanguine that ere long his company will something tl at will well repay its faith iid worl 11 NOTES z au or Z AND PERSONALS there wa equi a demand fo ai eners tor for the tha annie laurie last weel yee orne one of th bosses bosse was in Pi clifield and ae e cured a fea goorge george 0 boyle one oy of the firemen at tie annie laurit launo mill var ai down aiom the camp last wet ret george is 19 oue one or of the few vho aho has stayed with his job ob until he now hat bab a good position frand gwynne cadjo down from the ibo sevier con power plant ou on i tuesday returning re the same aimo day he reports the plant running full blast and the mill resumed operations immediately after the aali th ore is IB bome being hauled to the mill by teams end and a good run is ie being beine made an option im 13 prepared for some colorado capitalists on the advocate group of claims on gold cold mountain this property la is situated in a promising promis int locality aud and the owners et ei hect some developments 0 of an interesting nature in the near future J M Pe tereon H W Rau ilose sarah A moore and william johnston Johnst cn ore are the owners of the group yva johnston returned on sunday from the copper butte property he reports matters n a very satisfactory condition nt at the mine abo main tan tun nel is IB now in about fast and a body afore of ore has as just been struck w which hiob gives promise of hish high values the ore is a copper glance and a emall email acreal of it assays essays as high as forty per cent copper ana aad a large body surrounding this shows values of three per cut copper and f per ton gold ibe company ed ralle raila and other equipment to facilitate the handling of the 00 oo oe o e and will development work from arora bikow on A winzo will be sun 1 in tho the ore body and alao a ruibo 1 in order to determine the extent ot of tile alo oro ore boly end and 16 llio aho property properly is look me gnp more than ever etor before and id ehwald the values hold out oat in this ore body will 10 lo MAJO in order to maho it pay ito own devel dr of 0 mt Pleas ans it pa on train from the south he had bud been nt at gold moan tain oolong over tho the Jon Jo grese property with a view ot of becoming part owner this is IB the property owned kintly by william johnston johneton and dr winters winter 0 father in law it iv 10 understood that mr Joh offered to bell hie boll bell interest for or fuw or to abny oat the other halt half for a like ho eo and me co partner have owned the property for fourteen lo arteen yearb anthont TV a an it andri uld to eie are it move in somo docoito way it E riera j n ladies dont forget the waist valet sale at alo regulator on saturday july mth there woo a big crowd of limberly Him berly people down irom from the mountain last for fourth of 0 july joly recreations creat ione did someone eay any shoes we have them at the regulator the finest in the land A fine line JUFA received A now new binder mower steel harrow and ralo fo coralo ralo nt at iw than hoi of 0 cost coel price apply to 3 9 ii rage Mary evale utah 0 A andelin iu 10 ot of scour me ing a man inan to ont oat and stach tour four acree of hay bay ho he offers liberal ap ply to mr andelin ried fred il the allis allie chalmers company has bae busma for or III hh company Loro pony in richfield 1001 mrs ca G E who has been an invalid lor for several deelse w belie is reported to be improving cud and her family are now feeling more Lope hopeful ful Nu croudo of richfield poo peo plo have betchen betaken thome elvea to the ho FiG bLaho section and other of our grand mountain climes for their ann no ual outino M 10 for galo ealo hio hie entire of leather for shoo and making mailing harness e extras tras whips pads shoo dree snig etc i and building at a bargain the richfield reaper says bays that sev ler county in n few years will hove the best lot of horsem ol of any county in utah heres hoping that the reaper is ie right deseret tanner farmer mra adre morton morten jensen nab fib able to bo be taken out last week for a 0 drive for the first time in about three months duling which time she ehe has bas been very ill her complete recovery is ie now e ed orley the little son eon ol of bishop vir finius dean received injuries to one eye bytho e ot of a firecracker on the fourth of july which was thought for a while to bo be aarone but the eight has proven to bo be uninjured and lie is getting along alone nicely A man ican wilson over at anna belle bella who has been in the mountains herding sheep returned to it hia a home Indi last weel veel in a very critical c condition tion he IP suffering buffering filin bowel trouble dr neill is att attending eDding him and the doctor conF the ciso caso a dangerous one sens lens L jensen fa cnown ns As lime batner bainer jenson jensen is in ri t very pro pre stile of he hillh ahe 1 he old gon gen aleman his been blind for 6 years and in the pst p st is his left side has baa become paralyzed ilis hia friends anil and relatives are ara doing ill in their power to alleviate his sul felin z S mel str sir nggam ot of usail mi las bag a 1 berth at atlue too areada arcade aud and 0 capets to remain in ld the remainder or mor mer ut at least he apa plenty 0 of attractions tr to leep bima good ty of oc sweets all the time and i t spot fo one 3 nicest young I 1 idio idi o he heill mill in definitely frank beep blie pird ird id of his farm implements live stock and hou household behold goods preparatory to leaving leavine soon for his old od home town in wisconsin where he be will iain gain reside to look after the firm property of his parents frank has been ono one of alie active young men ot at richfield for nearly ten years and has haa busts hosts of friends who VITO are coiry to see him film leave leava the richfield Kioh field band is inking rapid strides these days in the art divine As a special spur to the members mr hood the lender leader is encased un or I 1 a work of some merit for july ilo he proposes to present ent a selection of utah songs by utah Us tab composers in tho the form of an overt overtime such soch songs be as utah we love thee 11 utah the queen of the wet west and other pieces that have bae become almost household songs thrones out utah will be incorporated in the woj wo li W B D oli traveling freight and pas passenger ReDger agent for the colorado midland railway was in rich field on monday iu n the interests of it his road he is particularly joostine bo ostine for the kill s special which leaves sat salt lake lahe next saturday for the denver convention this train will consist of seven pullman coaches and the fare will he from main line points and one anro for thu the rounel trip on brunch line lines A to the line the anro good for PO 10 daa diya a dr herbert is if hati orlay fol 01 th t h 1 1 AtO thit lait ot A thi tbt bag teen rt rJ anil the i illy ity ii 19 now cow free from nil fill ills 1 abo EeR alator is tho place tu u ine ape in money oney on good aoda heep your eye on the regulator nd ad end you will got 11 i lino line on oa the latest otylia oj this thie store is the lender leader in fashions the denpei grecul rt ot of t r ho be ot of choice candles from the con 0 n store and ice cream perlor 0 r conducted coD ducted bv br samuel in the wright building on brind street mr Obi Obid deeter has it nice stock 0 oon and cecelle t lee ico cream ond and soda eoln annle dr itiLe the weather report ct A anton hiel eon thomb SOM to have ben a 0 cool month H hardly 1 adly two di did d the thermometer renil ren il SO 00 degrood 93 on tho the alth ond and 00 90 on tho the on the it tell fell to 33 end and on the aab to 8 83 degrees tho the niesto when wo we had the killing kroetc there WM wag but 0 ul 1 inches ot of tation antone 0 nielson of elsinore hau bag acquired the terri territorial toral rights to 10 the A 8 russell potent patent sliding and swinging gato gate for sevier county thle this roto gate be baa 8 been e bro bero by W B terry tor for the past six en weeks mid end form ere era take kindly to it OB no it a means of in erose ond and egress to their form farm londs ond and also aleo their town property properly sapt J irl Lauri lauritson tsin and W B S fit rubt at ot of the hundly school boord boon visited Gl onwood on of the sunday school they found the glenwood Glen ech 01 01 ol in o soel lent condition thoro there lu ig it 11 lack eel of tei chora ebora ond and mature help in which conditions condit iono will bo be reine speedily ne as a vigorous honeo to ahonso will mill bo be made d duenk tho the ent brit week to becaro some ot of tho the people to toko talo up dp tho the sunday school worl i tera teim to bebco ogden attached ched to it heay y bly rack moll lermo frightened at a burgy buggy while bilo aier driven uy or main street y y niter after noon and anc daubed up the street at u i lively ante aho r nn el cAric light polo pole in fronton aront ot dr me file gregord pinco nud and tiny red oceil to the running mao demolished demoli ebed iwo boys boya belonging longing bo to jo aoi e thurber were in the rack ol at the timo time md and they were thrown headlong to the ground tut rut fortunately they were uninjured I 1 saban hod had it i colo brat ion oj of independence day in ol of th tho gloom that tant attacked ottoo hed the the tire a good program was rendered at the town park C P W crado jr r was boratin and musical numbers were rendered by the choir while I 1 rank ironic jorgensen Jorgo neen and arnedt Sw albere 9 bang eiloo which were COOL good the baud membern were lotten to getho betho and rendered lively music A basket ball edme between the senior find and junior teams teama as pulled off in the opera house in the evening hon yonora honors ors won aou A grand ball fluis finished bed tho the days daya enjoyments enjoy ments ff do not mot your bowel many serious dis onsen sea arms from neglect ortho of tho bobele stomach achand and liver tablets are a pleas ant nud end agreen agreeable blo Is IB active they invigorate vig orate the liver and rea rosr the bowels for anlo by neill dang cc |