Show AW AND IDEATE mr myrtir armr of adf oi all avil tin lied itry nt at him lumberry lumber berly Jy last thure dey day shotavo she enve birth to it a baby and i did not ace the event more than on an nour cons r the also aura ved but bot f r abort time iliac pre lintal de liate hed tb end arise at i proved too severe rn an or deel deal the bodio or of the mother and obe dobe iro talton to oni I 1 dried etnere r ch ano ej born and rosed jo il yon oo and wim about 25 berr of r go she was icar Tied a tov few years go nud aud leaves it husband find three little children she tie annl a eiph ly 13 esteemed onia iii ic 1 MCI na y I 1 I 1 q Tute djinaj at Job epli A aa p it the stale coutee ones enoe of the id d 1 I associations on june sith the airet district of thea for tho the southern son thern end of the bevle x stake was wae held bold at jonesb lat la at t sun loy lay the otano offic erf who attended irom from richfield were ch Pe tereon goo geo A meal jr j jamea ame sw er feterson Pe tereon milton poulson eu chrestian chris cowley annie baker agnia jonesi jones mr and mrs eort bert edco and mr end and mrs angus fillmore rill Fill moro and jonathan miloyd the rati musical ical exel ci cheb eq were feature during both evening end and afternoon meetings mee tinga gu james W fete vias W 4 one ol of the r boito alolf oo ito te he be renil ered tho base bae solo asolo eing olex the thoLen dand mott hen which shown hifa hi welled splendid b 8 voice to tags abo altini vitie alanl gonstal io noial lines linee of improvement aorl orl aho were well violl attended find bud much good ii NOMINATED attl tr munif jileau NatI named CLI without opposition A moll atton attended ded caucus canons was hold held at at the court hanao saturday oa ning ta nominate a trustee to ito site aeed leno it had been expected that there would be ba nn au 0 t c citira contest foi the but only one ona name dame wee wad abst ol of mrs minnie Boan abo ia hoarn by ail Jama lamination lai nation tiou tio tat tbt prop position ot of ali additional boud for stating that amount was nece neL esary ary to complete tho the building and equip it alth seats and a benting plant A motion prevailed prevail id td that the building bili lint be approved E ba fn fai 1 ren JISP J loa limi luclus oani adjustor fo the home rire aira company omed york dropp frd into Ric linold on his bis way i 10 0 loa to t tho firo 1068 of gj boitiau ot of wayne wayna pres laotian oflus what is 13 called the valley ranch about sir BIS railee milea from lo lio i ho he and his bis brull family ily went to loa on the mo morning birg of tho the ath to celebrate independency co day and shortly after noon fire arole out in bis bi gra ilary ahe blaze conail be oo 00 coin in from loa and a number of men started for the lacob strenuous efforts saved the dwelling but the Krea iary with bushels of grain ernin together with all his farm farca implements sheds harness tools stables and steel yards were consumed ills lose loes Is ie estimated a at 46 C OK part of 0 the lose at least is ie covered by insurance jacob 9 gates who visited section lees leea than a month seo in up an is in burance lice policy which has only boon been in effect about 10 or 12 days prep bastion has the sympathy of 0 the enjiro community in his hie loss pioneer affection 2 the committee for the celebration of 0 pioneer day are desirous of getting the names of all those who came to utah prior to in anler that they may mar be awarded places ot of honor bonor those knowing any of these theeo pioneers plou eora will please report the tho names to bishop heber 0 christensen at the state benl ot of sevier betler |