Show the richfield reaper published every thursday at richfield utah by the REAPER publishing CO RULA J fuellenbach mgr subscription rate kate per year in advance advertising rates on application entered at the Post postoffice office at richfield utah second class matter member of the UTAH STATE PRESS and NATIONAL EDITORIAL X P E T h 0 et e a shoe shoe sho shou shop u ala JM LIT 1 T fi J 1 P k S and A DAFID 1 7 r iata afi jj 12 ij A E 4 1 N dried molasses beet pulp will bs be available il in any quan quantities quantity titi es at the elsmore elsinore sugar factory for this coming season PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW for information inquire of EVAN R JENSEN monroe R F D phone ra lie AI V A I 1 i 1 ie r J tt pi pre an mate of the commander paka teal its ts a tre sty sta 1 0 tuia V ly loviest est t his jar ar T W that I 1 dvm kopjar T op tests bously ill es soune C 11 V a pie to 25 on anup 10 0 it sav dation A deb Is er ea stu uj 91 see las at lorl S come urea fort M P 1 0 t P safe C 0 ct 0 r 1 cr smart 0 a a a n dive d and terms ddn able studebaker Stude baLer C lr F je J GAMMON GAMM PHONE 10 RICHFIELD UTAH copy aj of oj r C alb ii LIST ladi ur IW IN 11 AION T 44 0 Uch ich field G city it y municipal election aee on tuesday nov 7 11 u independent 0 0 0 for mayor for mayor for mayor CARL A MATTSSON el DO DON N E KENNEY el for councilman 4 year term for councilman 4 year term for councilman 4 year term LERUE OGDEN el WILLIAM 11 HORNE for councilman 2 year term for councilman 2 year term for councilman 2 year term GUY BAKER BAKE R 71 FRANK GAMMON F 1 el 1 H NV KEATE 11 WM S GREENWOOD el el DAVID E 11 CHARLES L OGDEN ei for recorder 71 for recorder for recorder EUNICE COPE CARRIE RAMSAY D for treasurer el 1 for treasurer 1 1 for treasurer LETTA DARLOW BARLOW VIVIAN GURR L 1 J 1 state of utah county of sevier ss I 1 eunice cope city recorder in and for richfield city county of sevier state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the names of all candidates for office duly nominated and to be voted upon in richfield city at the I 1 municipal election to be held tuesday the ath day of november A D 1939 09 as certified to me and as appears on file at my office in witness whereof I 1 have herewith set my hand and the sea seal of the city of richfield this day of october A D 1939 EUNICE COPE seal city recorder VOTE fotr K v A ala ii IN AP T A ir 14 an D J T L A N mm 1 JU or a y 11 iky S city administration FOR DON E KENNEY 1 1 FOR councilman COUNCI LIMAN 4 year term WILLLIAM HORN ah FOR councilman 2 year term U it 0 D A GAMMON S dg R J JIE 1 N W 0 q D CHAIL X JUA L ogdan FOR RECORDER d 1 ARDIE RAMSAY FOR TREASURER VIVIAN VOTE FOR THESE levelheaded LEVEL HEI HEADED EFFICIENT MEN AND WOMEN I 1 paid political advertisement Bs here folks S with this modern beautifully that sensational new aladdin finished model 51 heater in your blue home you will enjoy a Alad disi greater creator degree of comfort flame convenience and economy in its use than has heretofore high efficiency KEROSENE been possible with a supplementary heater of 11 AR this type greater comfort comes from its tremendous and constant surge of pure clean circulating I 1 hot air smokeless noiseless laden with tv I 1 t h h heat e a t units greater convenience because of its portability its ease and simplicity 1 of operation greater economy because of its scientific and exact construction which secures the in thermal al efficiency W this aladdin heater is g a necessity in practically b every home beti between veen seasons to provide heat for chilly nights or days or val M the year around in hi spare or detached unheated rooms or anytime anywhere when additional heat is needed its open top grille too permits using the heater for occasional light cooking no home is quite co complete without one of these new aladdin heaters MODEL 75 A light portable twin burner circulating heater of the wick and filpot type it is 1112 11 vi inches wide by 13 13 inches deep by 29 inches hig high 11 outside of modern jacket design of heavy gauge rolled steel and is handsomely finished in prism lacquer baked 0 on n I 1 in in Q fl at three colors brown black or green 95 QC porcelain lr celain 13 ato enameled top grille reservoir capacity I 1 gal ji v s MODEL 50 A of heavy sheet steel and cast iron in modern cabinet design construction beautifully finished in prismatic enamel with pressed steel vitreous baked on enameled top one gallon removable capacity reservoir equipped with blue flame burner model diodel S 1 in nickel alladin 13 1313 size 13 inches inches deep high by 11 vi inches wide finish by t ft 1995 19 j S ff v 95 to f MODEL 51 A portable single burner cincu circulating lating non sure room heater of the wick and filpot pres type it is 15 inches wide by 17 inches deep by 31 inches high its jacket modern design and is of is of heavy gauge rolled sh sheet act metal is beautifully finished in baked and prism in hi a choice of brown or black reservoir jac lacquer capa quer VH 2195 21 95 QC city 2 21 gallons porcelain enameled top grille a prices do not include freight charge or utah sales tax Auch richfield Richtie field ld implement 40 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 55 |