Show n d VI un u A n CL ced public urged to participate in national education week plan parents and townspeople are not only invited but urged to attend a series of assemblies to be held at the richfield high school next week in observance of national education week november 5 to 11 the assemblies will be held daily at 1115 a m except friday when the hour will be 11 a m visitors are also invited to visit clashes at the school during the week the weeks observance calls attention to the fact that education is business and that in the united states the nation rises or falls by the intelligence and good citizenship of the average man and woman for over 3 00 years the american people have recognized that public education is a fundamental right of every child the assembly programs of the week as announced by miss eudora miller of the R H S faculty are monday november 6 prayer vocal solo miss pauline winkel address I 1 education for self rea li cation superintendent A J ashman reading selection band tuesday november 7 prayer quartet by high school girls address education for human relationships lation ships R T thurber sevier county public welfare director dance vocal solo dallin nielson R H S music instructor wednesday november 8 prayer quartet by highs chool boys address education for economic efficiency kenneth isbell past president of the junior chamber of commerce reading selection high school chorus thursday november 9 prayer pa piano no solo margaret poulson address education for civic responsibility A M maughan R H S principal dance miss beth stout dance instructor selection high school band friday november 10 presentation of colors american legion prayer chaplain of the jen sn 9 n coby post A L address education for peace irvin L warnock a member of the district board of education one act play directed by milton johnson dramatic art instructor commini community singing |