Show 1 0 VENICE 01 r I 1 ARS i stelvin All ANDERSON iDERSON I 1 corre correspondent spon dent 0 0 president E W poulson his counsell counse lr dr T R gledhill and golden R buchanan of the high council represented the sevier stake officials at sacramental meeting here sunday evening when consideration was given to selection of a new bishop bishop A L buchanan having tendered his resignation bishop buchanan and his counselors I 1 W and C J wall have served for eight years mrs airs melvin anderson and mrs airs lavera buchanan entertained 20 ladies at a dinner party wednesday evening at the buchanan home whist was played during the evening prizes were awarded to mrs gilbert avery and miss lavee despain mrs airs john L davis assisted her daughter mary evelyn in entertaining a group of little friends wednesday afternoon it was mary evelyns sixth birthday honoring mr and mrs airs francis cowley who will leave soon to make their home at heber city members of the sewing club and their partners entertained at a dinner party saturday evening at the home of mr and mrs elwood buchanan rook was a diversion of the even evening iniz with mrs I 1 W winning the prize A gift was presented the honored guests maynard brugger entertained 12 guests at his home monday evening the occasion being his birthday progressive games and refreshments fresh ments were enjoyed mr air and mrs tell gardner entertained at a dinner party at their home sunday evening the following were guests mr air and mrs airs floyd hansen mr and mrs airs J D sandberg mr air and mrs airs blythe gardner miss jetta bunker miss maude king and lee hanchett of richfield mr and mrs airs melvin anderson mr air and mrs airs leslie gardner and leo despain the me evening was spent playing whist with miss bunker and mr air hanchett winning the prizes mr and mrs marvin of richfield and mr air and mrs airs leslie davis and family of salina were dinner guests sunday at the home of mr and mrs airs lavar thomas neil buchanan assisted by his mother mrs airs lavere buchanan entertained ten little guests tuesday afternoon celebrating his fifth birthday dainty refreshments were served |