Show TIM TIIE RED CROSS DRIVE I 1 ON ACCIDENTS anc dangers that lurk in the home have only been brought forcibly to the attention of the public within the past two ysais tl rough through activity of the american red cross and other safety agencies public attention has been concentrated centra cent rated cd in degree upon hie upward trend of the death toll from motor accidents in 1037 1937 motor vehicle accidents claimed 39 9 lives accidents in the home claimed lives the people who lost their lives the four walls of their homes were victims principally of the following falls dead i burns and explosions dead po ion 1700 dead f hearts i de dead ad mechanical suffocation 1 dead all other causes 1800 dead in addition about persons were injured all of these deaths were preventable ven table according to the amen can red cross which urges evi ev i cry family in the home and on the farm to check each october a list of hazards issued by the red cro cross Ss and to follow simple precautionary I 1 ules falls claim tile the lives of aged people in ili a ratio of 60 per cc cent nt to the total annual death toll from this cause two thirds of fatal burns occur in ili the home children aie al e the chief victims of accidental poisonings poison ings in the home these startling facts should make every householder house holder look into the safety of his home the red cross warns the extensive safety instruction carried carided on by the american red cross for a quarter of a century I has aas been one of the major factors in n arousing the public to accident dangers tile the red cross has recently attacked the problem of deaths on the highway from motor accidents through establishment of emergency first aid stations and also the death toll from accidents in the home and on the farm more than a quarter of a million persons were trained in red cross first tid lid last year and were thus prepared to give intelligent emergency assistance at the scene of an accident while awaiting the arrival of the doctor an answer to the roll call of the american red cross now in progress gr ess is the average individuals opportunity to aid the work of this great organization |