Show I 1 DO ELECTIONS IS SIGNIFY I 1 G na FY ithone those who follow national poli j tics bics always watch local elections I 1 with close attention the policy that is approved by voters of a village illa a may in the fullness of time be the policy that is adopted in the seats of the mighty at wash 1 ington disapprovals approvals Dis shown by voters will be reflected by their representatives in congress it is in town city and state electa elections ons L that hat the temper of the people is best reflected the recent off year elections were more than ordinarily signify cant what they showed is well summed up by dorothy thompson they furnish no sign that the american people want to turn thel the direction 01 of their political affairs over to militant labor there is no indication that they wish an increase in government ownership they show that there is a positive popular desire to curtail government emment extravagances they also show that the voters are not much moved by hysterical screams of red and bolshevik labor as represented by the CIO fared badly indeed greatest labor hopes were pinned on detroit ait oit where CIO candidates for mayor and city council survia survived ed the primaries but all were defeated in other indu industrial industry str al c centers n including canton cleveland and akron they met a similar ate it is true that mayor laguardia of new york had lab labors or s andor endorsement but he was also supported by the leading newspapers pers avid by influential business groups a as well as labor groups because of his remarkable fight against tammany and his efficient and progressive stewardship of the city during his past term in office light on public sentiment toward spending is found in the vote on projected bond issues for every one approved about two were rejected the only two towns voting on proposals to erect municipal electric t plants or to take over private plants decisively defeated the measures from the standpoint of partisan politics the elections are more j difficult cult to gauge republicans made gains but they were not large arge and occurred in areas where the republicans are in the majority as a rule and only lost control during the great new deal sweep of last year one important sign sig i n of the times is the growing inclination of the voters to back the m man an they believe the best irrespective of his party label this trend marks a hard blow to old time machine politics which de ends for success on a straight achet vote that approves all party and disregards personalities to quote miss bliss thompson once 1 oe o e 0 the elections show a c demand for humane govern int coupled with increasing hon ty efficiency and sobriety it may be only a coincidence tac it it is a fact that a few days dava gifter fter the elections secretary mor 1 anthau nt hau made his immensely im toutant speech in which he opposed d increased government spending pr proved ved a broader tax base and made mad reductions in appropriations md ind apparently charted a new f fiscal is course for the administration it ft is generally believed that the h business recession has frightened the voters vote s as well as government le lenders aCers and increased sentiment n favor of a more conservative policy general opinions hold that the mee session and the regular session 1021 of the current congress will v ai 1 dominated by a cautious tone and a to spend and the ne reverberations from EMM the local elections will echo loud m ri the halls and committee coins of th ca can tol |