Show salt lake Sym phonetta to play djay il here will appear in concert Concer tat at tabernacle tuesday sponsored by M I 1 A the salt lake Sym phonetta an orchestra made up of nearly 30 professional musicians from salt lake city and directed by reginald beales well known utah violinist and director will 11 appear in concert at the sevier stake stac tabi tab ceacle tuesday evening november 30 originally sponsored as the salt lake orchestra under which name it appeared in richfield about a year ago this aggregation of musicians has won wide wi de acclaim they were well recert received when they played here before and after a years work together the group has developed an outstanding orchestra according to musicians who have heard them i play the as the second of the sevier stake al I 1 A season recreation ticket entertainments As in previous vears perso persons ns not holding season tickets may purchase tickets for the concert at the door the program will start at 8 it is announced by clifford Magle magleby bv an activity leader from the stake board |