Show THEATRE attractions J 0 0 missing man A photographer who risks his life to capture a desperate crimin al a loyal sweetheart who shares her fiances fiancee fi ances danger two pals who gip their way in and out of hilarious scrapes a band of desperadoes who stop at nothing to save themselves these are the dramatic ingredients of the case of the missing man alan a thrilling drama of city streets coming to the lyric saturday jack pot night this story ranks as one of the fastest moving most suspense laden and thrill jammed comedy dramas produced this season way down east way down east comes to the lyric sunday monday and tuesday with henry fonda and rochelle hudson co starred in the leading roles the details of the drama are perhaps familiar to many but the freshness of the treatment the poetic charm of the photography and the addition of some excellent new writing and comedy make it an entirely new story vital fresh and alive grand evit if youre the sort of person who thrills at the sound of the fire engine siren who never misses a blaze for miles around who gives chase the moment a siren screeches grand exit coming to the cinema sunday and monday was filmed for your personal pleasure the story deals with edmund lowe a fire insurance investigator who finds romance as he solves a series of baffling blazes hes a now new kind of detective new at least to the screen and his bis adventures and methods are both enlightening and dramatic naughty marietta Marlet tall drama romance thrills and the gorgeous music of victor herberts greatest operetta are blended in naughty marietta coming cinema tuesday and wednesday the importation of the casquette girls from france to mate with the settlers in louisiana the new orleans marriage auction the battle of the everglades the private capture of the casquette ship the paris of louis XV and other authentic and dramatic details of the history of the founding of one of americas most romantic cities I 1 were woven into a thrilling adventure romance and other lavish details are arc interspersed with comedy range its cast as packed with stars as its story is crowded with action thrills Powder smoke range comin coming g to the lyric lyne wednesday thursday and friday sets a brilliant new standard for outdoor dramas in this red blooded romance of the early cattle country is presented the greatest array of cowboy stars ever assembled in one film A night at the opera three marx ed cd men have been trailed by the chuckle that will come from the cinema thursday friday and saturday Nov november embe 28 29 and 30 who are accused of inciting a laugh riot with their new picture A night at the opera is a riot in every sense the funniest picture yet turned out by those merry madmen howl at their humorous and crazy antics from the time they leave italy until they go into the grand opera business in new york original comedy sparkling dialogue delightful opera and of course the marx brothers vie in the funniest most delightful fun test fest that has come to the screen for some time |