Show civic CLUBS ACT TO GET WORK ON ff OMER hammond inspects circleville Cir cleville canyon conditions at request of directors T two vo road construction projects both of vital importance to richfield as well as other parts of southern utah were riven given IL a prominent part on the program before the directors of the asso coated civic clubs of southern utah at the meeting in beaver saturday and sunday they we were re the road from the junction in clear creek canyon to the kimberly Kim beriy mining district and the part of ofu afu U S no 89 between circle circleville Cir cleville ille a and pd panguitch in attendance at the meeting was W WH da hammond ammond of moab recently appointed to the state road commission comm assion who on leaving for salt lake said that he would make a personal investigation of the highway 89 condition en route he ha left early for this purpose but as yet his opinion has not been learned it is assumed however that ho he will be in favor of completing this section of road as soon as possible to an oil surfaced standard as the need for it cannot be denied it will be remembered that soon after E E howe was appointed to the commission he traveled the same section of road at the request of the civic club and immediately ordered a survey of a new alignment through the canyon the civic club directors are hopeful of getting highway 89 finished in its entirety by next year as they feel it will be highly beneficial in the proper routing of tourists to the various scenic and recreational attractions W A young manager of the annie laurie consolidated gold mines abines company the principal operator brator at kimberly Kim beriy explained that it had bad been difficult to obtain work on the road leading to the mines duo due to the two counties being concerned the mines are in mute county while the principal part of the road desired is in sevier county the taxes go to plute county but the principal business of the mine is done at richfield already a project has been I 1 submitted signed by the sevier coun county ty commissioners to the proper federal officials and it h is thought that this will eventually be approved the mine now has a monthly payroll of approximately per month and is employing more than men A school is maintained with an enrollment of 27 children mr air young added that the production of the mine is being in gradually increased with the installation collation of new nev machinery and equipment it was proposed to eventually construct another road from kimberly to marysvale Marys vale thereby creating a two way entrance into the district and opening up a marvelous scenic territory and thousands of feet of timber L A of milford chairman of the clubs road committee will contact members of the two county commissions in art an effort to bring about a satisfactory agreement so that if the project is not approved the road can still be constructed richfield merchants are particularly anxious to make it easier for this payroll to be spent here and the mine officials wish the improvement pro to aid in their operations other road projects including the routing of the highway were discussed president frank G martines who presided at the business sessions reported on his recent trip to chicago to attend the annual meeting of that highway association the diorec tors there passed a resolution favoring oran the routing of the transcontinental tin highway as suggested by the associated civic clubs the salt lake chamber of commerce the utah state automobile association and eastern utah civic clubs are actively opposing this route and working for a routing over U S highway no 50 in connection with mth the proposed wayne wonderland national monument congressman abe abdemur mur dock said that the only thing that is holding up the proclamation by the president is routine detail he declared that the national park service and the department of interior have already made all necessary recommendations and that he expects the matter to be brought to the desired conclusion very soon commissioner hammond announced that a small appropriation had been made by the commission for improvement of the hanksville green river road as aa requested by V W pace through the organization recently the next meeting of the associated civic clubs will be held in st SL george during the latter part of december officers for 1938 1936 will be elected at that time |