Show READING censorship NISE NEEDED ED it I 1 Is the belief of the american americ fiction guild that only when the public begins to shy away from ae sex and gangster magazines will those these magazines with their lurid lurid augg suggestive estive covers and stories vanish from the news stands Rea readers must use more discrimination in tho the selection of light reading there are many kinds of stories on the stands some are printed on smooth paper and for the most part contain the printed works of americas most famous writers others are arc printed on rough paper they contain good stories and their writers will be the famous authors and novelists of tomorrow most of the so called news stand magazines are wholesome treating of adventure al 41 over the world of the conquest of the air and the sea of crime detection from the side of the law some of the most famous executives of the land se luct lect their light reading from the news stand group resting theirl their j brains while they travel the world on the wings of some adventure writers imagination select your reading as carefully as they do theirs for after all the most pernicious magazines contain material that is the most monotonous to be found since they select themes which are capable of so little vari van allon there is something radically wrong with our social scheme of today in that our young people and many adults have acquired a taste for such abominable rot as is now to be found on our magazine racks either the youth are sot not being trained to appreciate good reading matter of which there is an abundance in the form of the better magazines and in worthwhile books or else they are sot not having the right sort of restraint or guidance in their reading our motion pictures are rigidly censored and recently there have been strong protests successfully waged against the risque shows on the legitimate stage in the larger cities yet we find such filthy publications as whiz bang ballyhoo Bany boo hullabaloo Hull aballo and other obscene periodicals constantly increasing in number and in sales perhaps some parents are not aware of the viciousness of these magazines but we know there are some who not only tolerate them but bring them themselves into the home where their children have bady ready access to this printed filth in most cases if not all we believe that these periodicals are not sent through the malls mails because of the danger of federal punishment but they are to be found on almost any magazine rack As long as the public will stand for these magazines and public interest demands them the perverted publishers will wax fat upon the profits of a trade that will debauch debauc the morals and spoil the taste of our children for literature that would prove both entertaining and helpful to them |