Show to protest against R raise aise in phone rates A short ine ii petin eting of the richfield Rioh field commercial club was held thur lay day at the telluride Tel lunde company offices to complete arrangement for th armal of the ff is of ohp denier dener S rio grande western railroad company nho came to richfield saturday afternoon another item of business taken up by the was a proposed raisin the telephone rate judge H N r hanei hades rap gap a report of the hf aang held here bufore the public utilities commission jul 14 and explained ep lamed the new rate rale asked for by tho the telephone company the largest raise raie rai e h he e me ing 1 1 i a month for betines bu sines tines telephones in richfield the richfield business men being mostly affected hv the change chane e in rates it uli aas decided that the busine s houses raise a fund to expenses of a protest protect to the public utilities commission com and that the firm farm bureau be notified of this action and to either join in this protest protect or urmit one of their own |