Show 0 0 I 1 vital statistics I 1 peter christensen registrar 0 0 births to arthur 0 anti and ethel C beckstead chritensen september and 2nd a boy to forest W and delia deha ence squire october 3rd ard a boy to harold J and stella mi alaa duffin lewis october 19 a coy to alfred J and genett nelson ogden ward october 28 a girl to fred L anti and pearl hallett bird october 25 a girl to earl A and june nielsen an derben bersen october 29 20 a bo to norval nonal ledue and thelma Os born pope november lit twin hoys bos to harry and Dorat doratha lia hild ILI hill woods september 2nd and a girl to glen and pot dot nielen niel en beutler september 15 ii a boy to james C and sarah A robinson on poulsen september 18 a boy R to george A and rachel jensen bulon june 30 a boy to william S and anna lucile cal lawa greenwood september 18 a bo to reginald T anti ami opal mane alarie caseman 01 november ath ath a boy deaths charlie robert indian october 13 age 24 5 ears ears georgia steiner St ciner october 21 age GO CO bears elsie ekie minnie H olsen ohen october 20 age 74 years year infant daughter of fred L bird october 25 age 7 hours infant twin him boys boy of orval L pope NoN november ember 1 age 5 minutes lauia bonem no ember 1 age ga I 1 bears ears feancisco Fian cisco A martines november 8 age 58 |