Show our beg legal gal department probate and notices notice consult county clerk or respective tive signers signer for further information NO I 1 ICI joseph coe coc IlIg highland hand canal anal co bulin besmen busmen J joseph 11 lulf principal mcp I 1 place of gal ajl utah t a h november 0 0 1925 there is delinquent upon the fol lowing 0 described stock steel on oil account of assessment ii e nt levied the several amo amounts ants set e t appos opposite ite the names of ohp respective c shareholders as follows name shares share amount siner irrigation canal co 55 00 harold parker 10 harry baierline 20 1 20 1002 and in accordance with lav aa and by order of the board of directors so many hares chares of each parcel of stock will be sold old at public auction on saturday no november ember 28 1925 at 2 p m at my office in joseph utah as may be nece ssan to pa for delinquent assessment together aith cot cost co t of all ad erti and egense of sale unless settlement is made difore PAUL P LEAVITT 47 18 becj and treas NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S lani office at salt lake city utah october 20 1925 NOTICE is hereby given that john albrecht of Fi diemont Fic mont emont utah who on october 4 1319 1119 made beert land en tr tri no for section 15 township 27 south range 3 east salt lake 2 meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at loa utah on the esth day of december 1925 claimant names as Nit witnesses nesbe charles anderson wm C jensen jenen david talor henry P F albrecht Albi echt all of fremont utah EU ELI F r TAYLOR register Is E TO CREDITORS detate E tate of joseph joeph S hickman kinan deceased creditors will ill pre present aen t ci claims aarl with hel I 1 Nou luchers ou chers to the undersign und r g eil at her residence at richfield seier county utah on or before saturday Satu iday the dah dai da of january A D 1926 DELLA HICKMAN HICK iIAN henra N gacs attorney 45 18 19 SUMMONS I 1 in n the district court in and for semar ier count state of 0 utah SEVIER COUNTY a body corporate and politic plaintiff Ns HANS CHRISI chrisiansen ENSEN defendant THE stare OF UTAH TO THE SAID you are hereby summoned to appear within t ent Ns dis after tho the ace of this sum summons upon ou if sel eral within athin the alie count in tins this action is bi ought e within ith thirty ilas dabs after sen erN ernick ice and defend the aboe entitled action and in case of sour dour failure so to do judgment vill vall be rendered against you according to the demind of the com plaint P aint which has been filed with the clerk of said court this action is brought to condemn certain land belonging to lou ou the same to be used for county road purposes FERDINAND ERICKSON plaintiff N attorney P 0 address richfield city utah date of firt first publication No november gember iq 12 x 1925 46 50 SHERIFFS SALE n the district court of sevier coun coan 6 state of utah EFFIE gottfredson plaintiff vs ROY COLBY AND EUZABETH COLBY husband and wife defendants defendant to be sold at sheriffs sale on the ath day of december A D 1925 at 12 noon at the front door of the he county court house ilou e in richfield utah the following described property t situate in sener seier county utah to v atit it commencing thirty four 34 rods elst eist of the Sout southwest hvest corner of section 25 township 21 south range I 1 west S L II 11 running thence north SO 80 rods thence east 19 rods thence south 10 rods thence elst east 27 rods thence south 10 40 rods thence west 46 lud iod to place of beginning area 16 acre together ther with all water 1 e I 1 lights ight ditch rights and imbro ement and particularly one share of the capital stock of the salina creek irrigation 1 on CompA compana nv represented by certificate t no A J FILLMORE ZE 6 9 sheriff NOTICE brooken Brook ln canal co principal place of business nu siness elsinore Ul atah utah ember 24 1925 there is upon the following described stock on account of assessment levied the da of september 1923 the several amounts set let opposite the names of the respective share shareholder hollers as follo follows namo name anit amt orlin winlet 1040 wilburn cloard Cloi ard ag 2000 00 joseph 11 love lone 38 CO lester lowe 13 1330 30 homer hicks 1600 ac 00 S C viele 12 SO nels sorensen Sorens cn 13 go CO ja jis A shaw 20 10 chirle chirles barney barnel 2400 24 00 and in accod accordance dance aith th law and by order of the baird bo rd of directors so man shares of stock as a div be easan e arx to pay for the delinquent as es ment together u with itil tile the ca cost s t of ml ad azid expense of sale vill be sold old ot public auction in my office on tu Tuii adiv liv december 15 1925 it at tile the hour of 2 p m unless piment is 11 made before RANSON HERRING 48 43 4 secy and treat |