Show james A carron to take over price hotel james A carron to bi his almost innumerable friends best and affectionately ate known as jimmie Jim mile for the past aix si bears assistant manager of the johnston hotel and ery cry actie in american legion commercial club and other community bork ork I 1 is going to leae us in less than a month mr air carron un mas in price to investigate the possibilities for elii business at the savo hotel and found things so favorable that he be too took an option for 1 leasing leading it chich aich he be is going to exercise by the first of the t he year he and mrs carron consequently move moie to price about december 20 and all aho vho know the qualities and abilities of this young hotel min inin are certain that he ull aill make odthe of the giov a fir firt first t dais class hostelry he has many icara ear experience in ins his line and ba has worked before joining the army arm luring during the norad var aar in different capacities in several of the large larget t hotels in this state and wyoming the fact of mr air and mrs carrons leading richfield will be regretted deeply by bv our business as veil ell a as our society circles in both of chich aich the oung loung couple took a very cry prominent pirt part mrs carron formerly miss bliss ila montgomery daughter of mr air and mrs allen alien montgomery is in alu ina of the richfield clifield Ri high school ind a young oung matron of very en distinct charm chann that the best wishes ie hes of the entire cm community ull go bith the beloved couple is a foregone conclusion |