Show BIG I 1 1 1 I 1 iw fi 1 amis II 11 CE battery E in charge seeks C cooperation of city and all organizations at eleven minutes of eleven on the eleventh day of november 1918 the armistice was signed which blought bi ought to a close the bloody world war this year brings the tenth anniversary of this one of the most impost ant events of history and all over the nation unusual preparations are i being I 1 made to properly prop eily cele celebrate celebi blate ate the day d ay the eleventh lay day of Nov november falling alling this year on a sunday tile the many celebrations of armistice lay day will be held monday november 12 and richfield will n not ot be lackin lacking in in expressing patriotic fervor to b bring ieng home to the people the significance of tile day the celebration celebia tion in richfield will be in chaia a of battery E and officers and men ale aie seeking the cooperation of the city and all civic comi commercial and church or organizations aniz actions in order to make this a lay day long to be remembered a A tentative program has been worked out and the features on this program promise to go over in the biggest san style a the reveille by the band and the boorning booming of tile the big s sixes ies of the local battery will open the lay day patriotic exercises will be held in the richfield high school and some prominent speaker will dwell on the importance of that great historical event A football game between the two tavo old rivals monroe and richfield will be played on the high school campus and battery E will show fitness and preparedness in some military maneuvers towards the late afternoon an elk barbeque barbecue bar beque is planned and negotiations are underway with the U S foiest service and tile the state fish and game commissioner to provide two big elks for that purpose A military ary lance dance will conclude the days proceedings |