Show propagating THE BOOK OF MORMON v deleal of 31 monroe onroe now laboring in the california mission writes to us amon among gother other things 1 T I am enjoying enjoying my labors as a missionary in the california mission very much and I 1 feel that it is the best place on earth in which to labor in the capacity of a missionary nany there is much work nork to be done and my desire is to do all the good I 1 can and take the gospel of christ to as many as it is in my power in memorial of the one hundredth anniversary since the prophet joseph smith received the plates from which he translated the book of mormon tho california mission has been sponsoring a campaign on the book of mormon we as mist are arc doing in our best to place as many books of mormon before the people as we can and I 1 think that e are having a fair measure of success 1 I wish to express ep ress my iny appreciation to dr markus for the reaper and assure assur you 0 that I 1 am interested in it and th the eyt things as it stands for |