Show additional school news on page sixteen 0 installed A 1 I 1 7 prepare yourselves for proper winter lighting S E I 1 YE R COO CO just north of state bank phone no 15 A T h n S ripsi 0 i 17 C lie ui y J y R T JONES proprietor we gladly I 1 cater to parties par lies upon short notice botic e we ve can set your table fit for kings and queens we can furnish you at any time with all the sweet buns various kinds of cakes and pastry known as bakery products we operate the the best cafe and bakery in in southern utah R REAL E A L ESTATE REAL INSURANCE WE HAVE farms for salo sale money to loan on farms houses and lots for sale WE WRITE all kinds of bonds all kinds of insurance WE FURNISH abstracts of title to land WE investigate titles to land WE CLEAR title to land WE ARE conveyancers notaries Not aries public and public stenographers r alphers SEE US ITS BEFORE YOU BUY OR BURN SEVIER S 21 2 1 IR REAL ESTATE AGENCY W D fitzgerald manager phone 69 2nd and floor peterson Pe torson bank UTAN |