Show a D be american red gross driere begins or 11 th n i 0 ia your will walfi a p VV ji relieve suffering ering promote health combat disease benefit humanity A dollar cannot be given a worthier cause ux in buy liay early and avoid the rush we have all our xmas goods on display select now make a small deposit and we will hold your purchase cowley C 0 w I 1 et my j furniture co e USA d E w ev ik C w 1 with each 1 00 purchase we will give give FRUE one I 1 ac bar of A armours amour s sylvan toilet soap sri sr i neill N drug ru co a for the accommodation of o f 19 M taxpayers M B the county treasurers Treasur ers office will be open from 10 A M to ap M every weekday H M B from nov 15 to nov 30 inclusive a B H ichi ekl commercial PE regular meetings bevery third thursday of the month 8 P M horne biome merchants should joi join in transient business men should visit T to with Us when in richfield club rooms peterson bank building MOM HAVE THAT NEXT ORDER when you S need a doctor do you pt estimates 0 0 you engage a physician pl ays i c ian in in whom you have confidence if you must use when you buy a suit do you get p prices r 1 ces from a score of a hass hamn miery er why W I 1 ay tailors tal alors and select the lowest bidder not build id a house 0 most decidedly no you YOM know where you can buy clothes that fit well and wear a reasonable time t ime 01 shen hen why spend hours of time worry worrying ing over a bunch of quotations for building material you get just what you pay for at any rate eliminate this unnecessary phone 22 loss of time and accompanying accompanying for anxiety by selecting a reputable lumberman and sticking by that good coal him select a lumberman that gives gives you ou good value valme plus genuine service we offer the opportunity suggested in every case where service and quality are in der demand nand Citi wu lumber company the home of quality richfield richa beld utah da 11 t 1 ALI th U TR 4 WHERE the DOLLAR GETS ITS VALUE WE have a complete lindof shoes J new stock no old shop worn shoes g HOSE the famous la paris hose heavy glove silk W in and 1001 over our store the only exclusive shoe store south of provo over worth of shoes R to choose from the su 14 shoe |