Show ANNABELLA annabella nov 9 AH farmers are rejoicing over the fact that they had their beets out of the ground before the rain set in mr and mrs roy collings ceilings are to make their home in idaho in m the very near future mr collings ceilings has already gone and will make preparations to receives his wife within the next few days our town election passed off quietly y the present officials haying been returned with the exception of fred gouchett Gau chett who was elected in the place of ras anderson who is s expecting to move to marysvale Marys vale soon with the view to enlivening social conditions in our town for the ensuing year the home dramatic company pa is reorganizing our town aa ha had an n e excellent xcell ent organization last winter and some excellent plays were given here and the county i mr and mrs lorin lewis are here from circleville Cir cleville visiting with the batters lat sisters mrs carl spafford Spa fiord flord and clayton dalton A boy was born to mr and mrs heber on the dinst it is reported that all concerned are doing well mr air and mrs elroy thurston are the parents of a baby boy who made his arrival on last sunday all are well |