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Show xf.m.hp,or;iooi news. The body of D. C. Ir'i.nldsen, win was killed in a cave-in in a mine a' Clear Creek Saturday was brought to his old heme in F'lrit "j City tod.iv and funeral srrv r i will ! held her either Monday or Tue;d:iy aftr,rnooi Mr. Donaldien was born ii Sweder in 18S5, the son of Jo'.in and Mario Donaldsen. In 1907 he was married to Miss Jennie Plain r.f Spring Cii In addition to his widow and hi.-' father now living in Salt Lake, he i.-survived i.-survived by the following sons and daughters Mrs. William li'-ll. Marl-Kloise. Marl-Kloise. Don, Newton, C J I 1 1 Odell, and Jiclr-'i Donaldsen all of Clear Creek a sister Mr?. Anna I'alz or Clear Creek a, id a brother now with t'l'' U. S. Navy. C. M. Ch -isteiisen. age severry five year?, snTered numerous brtises aid lacerations anr two broken ribs. Saturday when coming down the V.j !t, canyons wi'li a croup of Was alrh Acadf iny t.icnickef". During Mir. the flay heavy rains bad made tin roads slippery and a turn in Hie road the heavy wagon began slipping and went over a twenty foot embankment All other neeiipanls of (he wriron. jumped tr safety and Mr. CbriHlensen Ihe driver" was Hie only one hurl. Superintendent K. Throndson, Mrs. Herkimer, Mrs. Kli.abelh VVy-kr.'f. VVy-kr.'f. Miss Sadie I. Haw. Miss Helen Petersen and Miss KHi'd Trowbridge werr: rlinnr-r iraeslM of Miss .losle Cur-t Cur-t i sh at Gunnison Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. I,. VV. Jensen cnler-laito'd cnler-laito'd forty gur-'ils at a reeopitlon anrl dinner lasl Friday cveninic In honor or Ihe marriage or tlir'ir son. Venza Jen -'.e n lo Miss I 'rail Trusenll. Tin- marriage Irjok place on October I .'!, I !i2i; hut h.arl l, n In pi a secret until now. Mi l. Jr in" i Is a gradual.! r,f North Sanpr-tr. Ilih Sr hr.nl anrl V'a"alr Ararleniy anrl served several yci'i a r ;l v librarian. 'Yi: yriiing'v couple returned Ihi.i wik to l,os A ri!' l'-'. California, where they liav.) made their hr.rne thr. a .1 year. At Id'' opening mii - :i 1 of Hie South ward relief nor-idy, of which Mrs. j l.lo'K'ph Il.'lvlM l pll'Hlllr'Ilt, I'll Ibi' jv.li I'll r lo'ipr l Tui-fwlny iiflr'nioon girtu L.Tr, pi'("4'Illr.il lo Min, VVnili'lllllllll ' Krili'.lroui, lb" rbl"Hl ri'li'-f .'toi'li'l v 't.arbr.r rr ?-. n t . to Mm. Harriet. ClUr, llhi. oldcnt ti-arlMT i.i i-l l-r iioclr'ly. Iiavlm; fr-vi-il im Ir'arbi-r flirty Mix yisini, nnd to Mrn. Vitiioii Ihrillii'r ii. n. I Im vonn.-.i'Mi I :i rliiT priMirnt, Koi-iilar work til the rclli-f Hoclcly will bi ri'Miiiiii'rl oij, 'rii"ii!,'iy. Ci'lrdlru-II. Ci'lrdlru-II. Mriinlii'in of Hi'1 .liinlor l.lli'riirv Chili win1 KiicilM nl a k ilnt'.lon null iiini'lii'on 1 :i 'it 'I'll ii "lay rVi'iiliu; ul I ho Ikniii' of lb" prriihli'iil MImh I.onbi' I Mllll'lr'll. I lira. ( 'ni n 1 1 1 ii Nolaiul ri'l'urniMl Jnniii' Wi'il iivala v ii ft it n five nioiitlui j lnil lib Sail l.nKc ri'liilivci. MIhh lli'lon Ti'li'l'irui cnti'i'liiliH-d iiik ubi'i'H of llii' Junior I.HiTnry Club at ii liiiiilii'ou Mini kiMinlngli'it nt. li'T In i tti I'll it rsrl :i v ('veiling. ali.-m Helen S. Kouiiils cut rut a I lien nt dinner nt the Allrcd I lonso !u Sprlnit Cltv lust Salnnlay cvenin-. In honor or her Mr! h.luy niinh ( ;m.ii -'I'lii'i-e wi'i'e M'i'r':i Mr, nn, Mrs (Jriili.'ini t". I anil Imurow, Mini l!itli Siiinui'bi. Miss Sadie 1. Kaw. V, ; I riiroiiibieu iiurl .1. A. I'lMH'ef. J |