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Show SPRING CITY Mrs. De Ixis Blain returned to her home in Salt Lake Saturday aiter a few pleasant weeks spent visitins with her mother, Mrs. Louise Christiansen. Christ-iansen. I Mrs. Eugene Allred enertained Friday, Fri-day, Sept. 3rd. for Mrs Sarah sh-worth, sh-worth, her grandmother, in honor of her eightieth birthday anniversary, Mrs. Ashworth is one of the oldest ladies la-dies in Spring City and despite her declining years she enjoys splendid health is active and much more jovial than many her junior. She his resided re-sided in Spring City for fifty years and been a member of ilio llormon church for sixty years. The rooms of the Allred home were very beautifully beauti-fully decorated for the occasion in autumn tints and a splendid dinner was served to the following friends and relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haliday and Mrs. Laborn of Santa-quin, Santa-quin, Mrs. Clifford Bale of Payson, Mr. Don Lund of California. Ms Pe Los Blain of Salt lake. Mrs. Sarah Ashworth, Isabelle B. Allred. Sarah A. Justesen, Lydia Puzy, Elizabeth Larsen, Martina Blain, Anna AU-ei. Maud Aeord, Margaret Christiansen. Irene Smith, Annie Allred. Nellie Ny- herg. ("edia A.-or.l. 1V;.r! a;;..v.. Nora Schofield, S. E. l!de. M: A '-' Ired and .Viss Nit a A!lr! of S;r;jR ! City. Fred Mickel .lrprl.v for ':.: :.u-, Sunday where he !i:is oaiployme-it. Miss Cleo l.;irst ii rtj io S'.r.l '.iir Sunday. The North San IVle lils!i S. bv? I furnished the ptogr.:",i for rejoin; ' session held in the labernarV S.;ii day evening. Mr. i M. Nirl-on ' Mr. Stewart fave excci'm! fivr, talks on school and educational w orl, Mrs. (leorgia Johnson i.-rt-'d music students 1'in'ui; ',) : 1 ain' inst rnnii'iita! toWiWv, wtsiili rt high class and vi ry nr.u 1 et;;.j i. the large ccingt -e;;at ion. Andrew T. Kasmussoii. o;.e or' iSpj'ing City's old rcside r.s, passi d away in this City Thursday. Sept.' 2nd., from Chronic Interstitial Nephritis, Neph-ritis, lie hail been under the cinr! :rV care for several monihs but had In-mi able to be up and around most of the I time. Mr. Basnntf sen was horn in Denmark sixty-six years ago. ws a member of the Mormon rhureh and a blacksmith by 'trade. He is survived by two sons, Walter Kasmu.en oi this city and Andrew who is aMe-id-Ing school inNew York and a daughter. daugh-ter. Mrs. Matilda Frandsen also residing re-siding here. Funeral services were 'held for him in the Tabernacle Sun-' Sun-' day afternoon at :1:30 p. m.. Ni ls Benson. J. R. Baxter, Sr. and Vis'ton Samuel Allred were the speakers a; the services, the floral rio.-raiM".s were very beautiful, ir.tern'icni was made in the Spring City ( enie'ery. J. Carl A lire .1 and family of Prove have been here for a few days visiting visit-ing with friends and relatives. They made the trip in their an'o-tui'.iile. Miss Leven 1. arson em-rtait e 1 at a bundle shower Friday cveni -. Sept. 3rd., in honor of M it-s K c, . i Blain who was married to Mr. K. ::-neth ::-neth H. Williams of Ephraim Vo !-neseday !-neseday , Sep'.. S t h . The l.a'-s-t home was nicely decorate 1 for the m as'ou, t lie color scheme artisti- h n!: aiia.tiiicd was carried out in Si VcliOA and White, many beit'.Hifr.l as p j ".oil as sorv icea hie presents were pre-'vcnteil pre-'vcnteil to Miss lllain. about fifty M ivoiing lady friends were present, de-:l!cio'.;s de-:l!cio'.;s ret reshtnenls were served. j Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Billington oflfc'j j Kit ksv ii!e, Mo., have been here visit-M in g it li 1 elat i ves. Eijj IVti-i- Mickel who has regular em- -j oloyinetii at F.v.rcka has been her. fcq jic-nding a lev ihr. ? witli his family. nj l!o;t. .lai ob Johnson i-as moved b iv 1- family to Salt Lake. They departecj for their now home Tuesday. i P j Mr. and Mrs. Andrew' lfosenlund cJ ft F.ureka have been here this week visiting with their son. Paul, our po 2 pr.lar voiii,g Ida. ksmiili. fa Miss M..rgeret Johnson, daughtes - if .'r. at d Mt's. J. M. Johnson, went -j .ii Ml. Pleasant Tuesday to commence ! LI her sihool year at the Wasateli Acad t. ei,i'. Miss Johnson will stay at ilie ! f j domi itory. ior.dto-. Sent, ("ill, being the regu . lar work and business meeting of the f a ! lielief Society the Sisters gathered as if I usual at 2 p. m. with their quilting tjj frames, scissors and thimbles pre- -, pared for work and the Teachers ! ave their monthly report of tlieii cisiting w hen to the surprise of all il vi::s found the Relief Society Boar," of Diiectors htid prepared a lovel; i luncheon and program cosisting o I various kinds of cakes and ice cream i ! and the program consisted of vocal ! and ieisti'uiiier.lal music and some short la'tks and recitations, the bish-! op be-ng one of the speakers. There j were over sixty present at the little surpr'se and ali enjoyed themselves ; cnmensoly. Ono of the most pleasant affairs ol . : ; i tic week was the wedding (lance1 j 'given at the Lyceum Theatre Wed-ir.esday Wed-ir.esday evening in honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth 11. Williams who were married in the Manti Temple Wed- |