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Show STATE PROHIBITION COXVEN-TION COXVEN-TION Oct. 5th, 1914., 4:13 P. M. ISai-ratt Hall, SALT LAKE CITY. To all Church Organizations, Societies So-cieties and Persons favoring Prohibition Prohi-bition and Social Betterment: We desire your attention to the following significant facts: There are n-ne s.ates in the union that are dry through state prohibition ( five having joined the ranks during the past five years). Eighteen other states are a majoriy "dry" through local option. The National Liquor Dealers' Journal Jour-nal admits that "to us (tin liquor interests) in-terests) there is the handwriting on ae vail, and the interpretation spells doom." The latest big success is reported from West Virginia, the governor writing that after a few months of aclual prohibition "the results are .tanelous to everybody, even "wets" now supporting the new regime." The following neighboring states vote on the question of state wide-prohibition wide-prohibition this year: Colorado, California Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The move for an amendment to the fedral constitution in favor of nation-wide prohibition is gaining impetus im-petus every day. Under these favorable auspices we believe that the present is the time for more systematic, co-operative and energetic work in our own state. WTe j therefore cordially invite you to meet (with ihe undersigned in convention 1 at Salt Lake City, on October 5th at ' Barratt Hall, 4:15 p. m. j Heber J. Grant, Salt Lake City-Rev. City-Rev. Philip King, Provo; Will ii' Boyle, Provo; Willis Johnson, Rich- field; Wm. McLachlan, Salt Lake City;; George H. Brimhall, Provo; Heber C. Jex, President Prohibition League, Provo; Joseph J. Cannon, Salt Lake; Joseph H. Grant, Jr., chairman Salt Lake City and County Pet enr.ent League; Ricliari y. Young, Salt Lake; Edwin S. Sheets, Salt Lake; Rev, Louis S. Bowerman, j Salt Lake; George A. Startup, pres- I ident Provo Betterment League; I Oleen N. Stohl, Brigham City; J. M. I .Tenseh, Provo; Murray Law and Order Or-der League; Mrs. J. W. Aird, Provo; Nephi L. Morris, Salt Lake; George J. Cannon, Salt Lake; Rulon S. Wells Salt Lake; Frank Y. Taylor, S;lt LakejVHenry C. Lund, Salt Lake; .Levi Edgar Young, Salt Lake; 0. J. P. Widsoe, Salt Lake; Rev. Will A. Betts, Salt Lake; Rev. George E. Davis, Salt Lake; Rev. T. S. Spauld-ing, Spauld-ing, Salt Lake. I .. . |