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Show CLEANING UP j I For the past week or more eitv officials have been en- j thudwith a cleaning up spu-; it On September 11th Mayor Alon-en issued a proclamation; io'llie citizens of Ml. lWn:t , ai-mting Saturday, Severn-j b. Huh as ' Clean-up-l ay j .,,! .,,ked the good people to ;,!erve this request for the , r,ri of themselves and the -m.d name of the city. ' The day was well observe .j I j by many of the citizens. Streets 'were cleaned and sidev.alks j cleared of the grass and weeds. I The good work went on and is ! still o-oing on The city also ihad the oemeterV cleared and ;lots cleaned of all the weet iand undesireable rubbish that !may have accumulated. And now there still remains one tiling yet to which the atten uonoi the people, should be called ai d that is the trimming I of the hedges around those ht-tlo ht-tlo lots. If each person owning j a lot in the e.-m.-terv woidd trim tin; hi'd !' a'.oimd it the grounds would g'.ve a most 'ommendable aopear;' ieo i And while tie'' good work is U'ointc on we do.-ir.; to call at-icntion at-icntion to the hole- ah-ng main treet that rn'od hlo'V; and lev-ling lev-ling up in order 'ha!" a p. ien will not he afraid ride in a chicle without holihie.;' f;i--t he seat. There is also a bloc!: r two that needs pavimr, 's-icially 's-icially the one leading north 'Vom main and passing in front T the Brown Hotel. It is one f the very worst sidewalks in he city during the stormy weather and also the one used nost by guests of Mount Pleas-;nt. Pleas-;nt. Lend a hand and help the ood work along. TTTT |