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Show ELI ROOT HEADS BAR ASSOCIATION FORMER SENATOR FROM NEW YORK CHOSEN AT THE SALT LAKE CONVENTION. Patriotism and Solidarity of Country Keynote of Addresses at Banquet Attended by Prominent Men From Every Section. Salt Lake City Ellhu Root, fomer fniied States Senator from New York, was elected president of the American Bar association on Thursday Thurs-day over Walter George Smith of Pennsylvania. George Whitelock of Maryland was re-elected secretary, F. P. Wadhams of New York was reelected re-elected treasurer and Charles N. Potter Pot-ter of Wyoming, John Lowell of Massachusetts Mas-sachusetts and Charles Blood Smith of Kansas were elected to the executive execu-tive committee to succeed William H. Burges of Texas, John II. Voorhees of South Dakota and W. II. Staake of Pennsylvania, whose respective terms as members expired. William Howard 'aft retired from the executive com mittee and he will be succeeded by Peter W. Meldrim, the retiring president presi-dent of the association. The conventiou of the American association came to a close Thursday night with the annuel banquet. Patriotism, a solidarity of country and a melting pot of judicial thought wherein the I'nited States should become be-come the greatest nation of the earth were the sentiments embodied in the addresses given at the banquet, which Is said to have been the best in the history of the association. A former president of the V tilted States. William Howard Taft. reven men who have graced the seats of the senate, and a score of those who have been chosen to represent their states in the lower house of congress, not to mention the Judges of the supreme courts of several states who were present, united hi an avowal of devotion devo-tion to the constitution, to the country coun-try and to Its rniiM lulled laws |