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Show I SOCIETY. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Olson were ; hostess at a splendid evening social at their home Friday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent in song, music and social chat. Delicious luncheon was served. Those present were Messrs and Mesdames: M. R. Anderson, J. C. Stocks, John Carter, Adolph Merz, C. W. Sorenson; the Misses Dura Larsen and Florence Wooley and Pres C. N. Lund. A number of the lady friends of Mrs. Lucinda Hicks spent a pleasant a!' ernnon at her home a' Fiddl.-rs Grei'n i n Tuesday of last week A splendid dinner was enjoyed and the af te nion p nt n ocial cha't Th affair was in h nor of the b rth 'ay of the host-ss. The gues s wer Mesdames Hannah Huuhes, Harris Har-ris Cliff, Ca oline Tidwell, Brig Poi tei , Mary Nielson, Will Coat's, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jen-en, Mr. ar d Mrs. Asa Wilcox, Mrs. B 11 Lar sen and thre. daughters "t Spring City The 0. N. 0. club was delightfully entertained by Ida Mi rz last Thurs I day evening. Mrs Emma Dalby of Levan was a special guest v Delicious refreshments were served and an exceptionally pleasant eveni g spent . The T. G. Q. club met at the horn, of Wm. Olson's Thursday evening. Miss Florence Wooley acting as hostess. hos-tess. The regular Kensington form was carried out, that is, sewing and dainty refreshments. Miss Elmira Noland gave a very-pleasant very-pleasant and successful entertainment entertain-ment for her religion class pupils, sixty in number, Tuesday afternoon on the church lawn. Games, a splen did program and tasty refreshment": made up a pleasant afternoon for the little folks. A very i leasant skating party was enjoyed Monday evening at the Armory Arm-ory Hall by the officers and teachers of the North and South Ward Sunday Sun-day Schools. The party was giver by the superintendencies of the twt schools and was a marked success. Dainty refreshments were served and every one enjoyed every minute there. About eighty persons were present. The Misses Esther Lund, Annie Jensen, Mary Peterson and Clei Lund were hostesses at the home o; Pres. Lund Wednesday evening, a; the regular monthly social of th South Ward Sunday School officers and teachers. The evening was delightfully de-lightfully spent in music, songs, games and speeches. Exceptional! delicious refreshments were servec and the affair a decided success. About thirty were present. |