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Show Tax Reductions Questionable Senator Walter George, chairman chair-man of the Senate Finance Committee, Com-mittee, is talking about the probability prob-ability of cutting income taxes and suggests that individuals be given a $3,000,000,000 reduction and that corporations receive consideration to the extent of $2,000,000,000. If Congress follows the pro- cedure outlined by this Senator, it will, at least, give the individual individ-ual some relief from present taxes. tax-es. This contrasts considerably with the attitude of Congress when a former bill was passed reducing the taxes on corporations corpora-tions by an estimated $5,000,000,-000 $5,000,000,-000 and giving no relief whatever what-ever to individuals. We do not agree with the business busi-ness men or the Congressmen who seem to think that tax reduction re-duction is the prime duty before the natoin. The fact is that individuals in-dividuals and corporations are able to pay the present taxes, the GovernmemPS' ni that come. It would be bel.he r judgment, for CoLre" n 0l W a bill authorizing the p, Pass to put into effect seed fSident auctions in income ann led re- &. turn taxes when, t ithe l0 11 of the President ttep&jneM. ' becomes unduly burden! 1 rate view of changes in the", me in situation. the economic Co ' . nine |