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Show J ,.Mako Kim of , L IVulah llankins H ..ipOLIS. INDIANA. -111 ' hiHmikins. who lives nt T .,;,,il,r wrote an amusing PlfK Faultless Starch Com-'J Com-'J -n'lv. She said, 1 lo to" you about your 11 Lhtiroh. I sure think Several people iofme for not boi hug rch. They say tlus v ! :' is for lazy people. I '''bov four years old and ' ,fi; to fifteen suits of , Ijneokforhlm. I love them as Faultless . makes easy ironing. I - m twins, eight months Tddo they have a laundry '1 twenty to twenty-five Ts wcek and most of :f ,re white ones. They . smooth and smell pood, j' jjain for Faultless 'i It sure saves me many " if ironinj." lrtS TIME AND WORK ."..'s probably the most won-:' won-:' letter anyone could write " ' 'faultless Starch! Mrs. Han-; Han-; .'s )Usy wife and mother and . found that FaulHess Starch 1 'ijne and work for her. She i; starch without cooking and f ..Vfuund that Faultless Starch .'ker ironing easy. She gets '"out of people saying that r,jitless Starch is for lazy ' .'J Certainly she isn't lazy I yDE A SPECIAL WAY 'Jl are busy, too especially jJJ V-hday and ironing day you ;4 the time-saving and work's work-'s help Faultless Starch can '': You see Faultless Starch -i:'e a special way to help you - ;h your washing and to save ;jrs of ironing. So why not Faultless Starch? All you hi i'jido is ask your grocer for 1 1 :en you can make perfect hpt I -without cooking! And you -ake ironing so smooth, easy -sautiful. It's yours for the Faultless Starch! Adv. MVPPY FACTS i RUBBER : & J lubber production from na-fit na-fit plants in Southern . Florida is not promising at l went, and commercial r:- planting of tropical rubber plants there is not justified it the opinion of the U. S. r department of Agriculture. r lipecial railroad coacfl y quipped to demonstrate tyre bilish spelling) conservation r tai traveled throughout Eng- and. ; ta than 40,000,000 heavy-duty hick tirei have been produced ' wi Peorl Harbor, even though ' WMjhe sources of supplyof nat-' nat-' ml rubber were lost at that time. - - K M 4 f ' n , 1 im shine. -tu i mmfMltSSIS&iiSXwm J ; Mm 2 0 'N TUB IS I ; Sit pm PPle .uttering from "i1'1! pA7hve, ,ound Prompt k:Flr,, d1;';0 ointment. Here's 'HjmJi ' ruo ointment soothes I'chlno ,i ?r-relleves pain and "b'icai.. lcon,d' PAZO ointment b"M nr!. rdencd' drd parts fhVrt ' crackln and sorc-I'ttduc.. sorc-I'ttduc.. n. ointment tends Sllni t clllnnd check minor !J0 oiV0ur,h' '' y to use. " mil ment Perforated Pile """oueh '"v'PP'Ication simple. """ut PA?Rr ,doc,or can ,cl1 jn. r,uo ointment. SoJ'OSlTORUS TOO I """to,!.0""' "nd mfny doctors, In l 'C8VPPsl'orles, so PAZO lamean.dy suppositories also. SEWI1'G CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK Muff Bag and Matching Pillbox A SMART pillbox and a large-sized large-sized "muff" or over-the-arm bag are extraordinarily good looking look-ing done in black cotton yarn or in a brown, navy blue, wine, kelly green or a very dark red. Per-j Per-j feet for the first fall days con- I venient and comfortable to weal later with your winter coat. ?ag measures 18 by 16 inches is Jona in one piece. To obtain complete crocheting Instructions Instruc-tions for the muff bag and matching pillbox pill-box (Paltern No. 5028) send 16 cents ln coin, your name, address and the pattern number. Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time ii required In filling orders for a few of thf most popular pattern numbers. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 709 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 16 cents for Pattern No Name . Address i '. . HEARTBURN Relieved in 5 minutes or double money back When excess stomach eid rtosn painful, n( focst-tnp focst-tnp pas. tour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fas teat-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief medicines like those In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brintrs comfort in a jiffy or double your money back ea return of bottle to a. 2Sa at all drassista. A Dab a Day keeps P. OI away! (Unoferarm Perspiration Odor) s DEODORfMT CREflm isn't stiff or Btlckyl Soft it spreads like face cream. is actually soothingl Use right after shaving will not irritate. has light, pleasant scenLNo sickly smell to cling to ringers or clothing. will not spoil delicate fabrics. Yet tests in the tropics made by nurses prove that Yodora protects under trying try-ing conditions. In tvbes or an, We, 25c, 60a, McKesson A Robbins, no, Bridgeport, Conn, rVj'fjy-MUSCLES that ''Prj!-b" Fj world is Ameriea- Sloan's sa- K v CvilA ,u,ei the farmer who plough fv (n J ''V 1 ,he earth ,0 pf0Vide our daiy " ' ' 't V ' broad- musc'e strain fhat 5 "4 " We ma a'way$ have plenty. I Ift " x '1 To the dignity of his labor, we h:x - V payrespect- I &3'rec' cn'n9 Muscles Sprains I W'';n. Stiff Joints Strains Bruises VffF-e 'w-r r ltiITsOOT ERADICATOR V'EEP A CLEANER HOUSE, and warmer too, by ff - --removing soot from chimneys and heating units. ' XZIT removes soot from all surfaces from the firebox to the chimney rop. Soot wastes heat; is always a fire ttfjnf hazard. Safe! Easy to use! XZIT is excellent in an vt I emergency to put out chimney fires. hakcau Ak for XZIT at your hardware, fuel denier or itroccry r,V, wore. XZIT ha been used by industry for more than ""i twenty years. ..".i XZIT SOOT ERADICATOR Z'sL- MOO South Hoovtr Stre.1 Lot Angttei 44, Colifomla . ASK rOR jkf g y SOOT ERADICATOR - 1 |