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Show r house iArthur J. Lee erser, ' : Insurance 1 and Loans. 1 r Best, : , 1 -,w, Representing the only V '""' - oj ! jive stock insurance $ rca in, company doing busi-1 " rcM J ness in the state. ?t?1&i Why not insure your : irun4to; Jj)e sfock against death from any cause? J UquorHei 1 ' , n ,,(lc BnIlding' Prlcc' U,al1 "rlltrry ' "V -' -v lewis jTAH'Sj m Best Coal i Heating..... ! : W - Estimate Itfc-jS Ulocl, Mali SI, mJ$'' Price, UIjL : King, eries! Hiawatha, mu,a,H Black Hawk,! nnhricnfa. flfltllCf. 4 " III OH SAIES ""T Mil ,,,din Salt Lake City, Utah; 3l t OIL n. T. CHAMBERLAIN ' f-f nffl l'li)8lclnn and Surgeon. 1 lull' " ln VlBlla-IIonomo Ilulldlnr PIUCi:. UTAH. lt WILLIAM II. TRYE WI Attorncy-nt-Lnw - PltlCIJ. UTAH. t44)t ,)om B Bllvngnl Woek. .... FHED'K E. WOODS Carry H Attorney.nt-Law IDSide dOftD rnicn, utah. I noom i nnd 15 Bllvngnl niock. y in jour - irse It is La-Mcee nay" . Attorncy-nt-Lnw IC Cap 3D0 pnicu. utah. --.Ml Mglla-Ilonomo niock. -rt FERDINAND ERICKSEN " Lawyer $2.50 tO $ '" J Ibb liulldlng. Bait Lake City. Vdy " ' Hmu i a Klnic Claude U King -- hIKG&KING " Attorneys omn rrlal IJIook, Bait Lako City. Cjjtl 'nR. tt. C. GREEN U II 1 Dentist H' "' " UourB to 12 and 1 to 5 ' t and C Vlglln-Ilonomo Wdg 100.0 I"' 'l , ' 0rmr 1' l' S TII0MC nK,,rltf$ Dentist on Ada" vdrt. , " t r Hunk liulldlng, Helper from "' ' 20th of each month t November Is the Month to Begin on the Christmas t M ? Gifts. What More -Suitable Present Than f lG Hand Made Articles ? wM I llQyALsdciEtTf I M t J v" BHa V Package Outfits help you to select both useful and beau y ' J V tiful articles with instructions for working. Prices V ' JHBJ V , to suit the modest purse, 25, 50, 75, $1.00. T 1 M V v SbBb Many handsQme articles are made with the crochet hook. SSfl Ball floss, Cordichet, in white and colors at 10c ball. SW1 Tatting is now very popular. We have shuttles and BH thread in all sizes at 10c each. HH V Stamped Towels from 25 to 75c. Stamped Pillows, Ta- V 1 V ble Runners, Center Pieces. We are showing a new V ifisl T book of instructions that will be very useful in mak V nVfl V ing crocheted articles. Price 10c. V ! In AMIIincry you will find Hats very reasonable from $3.00 J i for velvet trimmed to $6.00 or $8 00 for more dres I , HH V y models trimmed In plumes, Bessie Kennedy, Millinery, Inc.! j 5- J $ ' , "J ' 'v ''' "'' , " HBi CIIUOMO CONhTIPATIO.N. HHl "About two )enrs ago when I be- , 'l gun using Chamberlains Tablets I hail ' IJHI been suffering for somo time with , U stomach trouble nud ehrnnlo ronstlpn- fflHI tlon My condition Improved rapidly I uHHI through the use or theso tablols. Hlnce . H Inking four or five bottles of Ihein my KqHI health hns been fine," wrltt Mrs. saaH John Newton, Irving N Y Obtain. laftl nblo everywhere Advl lil ! DAY AND NIOM.T SERVICE ' ' M HI f T Y Tlicre are tlinea when one is in nn capecinl hurry f H ! for a certain job of printing when TIME is of n the utmost importance. Tho Sun has a night H 4 service, when neccsHary for tho cuatomcr, and A is prepared to handle such orders and to GUAR- , H Y ANTED DELIVERY WHEN WANTED. .t I B i X ' m Y There is no printliiR job that is too largo for The I K Y Sun to do, or no printing that is so small that we 1 I'M Y don't want to do it, so the next time you have f ,M any'printing to do, take down tho telephone and V jBg say "Sun 9." 'H. Y M Order rubber stamps here. Wo can servo you A. IA.H X with anything that you may want in tho rubber fH. t stamp line, so think of ua tho next time you want 1 Y Homo stamps. We print butter wrappeis, using fflB Y non-fading ink and vcgetnblo parchmont paper. f mWM Y Engraving and embossing. Engraved and em- g M bossed work is taken care of at this office in a ! f most careful manner and wo are always glad to A ra ffi X how you what we havo to offer in engraving A ngfl t and embossing. A j Ql $ t LEI I 2 IP y V M ; Main Street, Price, Utah. u rM Y ' U j iltfg flMstffl |