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Show d a, creed for Wrcrinnt- iM1I IUSIfl&KBllBl 4b Hfc' Th ' " hl,h ,0U Cn'M'r 8 here Our worth while-mcr- LJ" I Ml BSiEB'S5li lH Hi iMll Joursclf most rmlllnr may heve. to- fc.ve practiced this creed for 31 JBmff M IL T' Cm,,,C, """" '" "" " M u l-r " E ' ' v It advertising. In fnct. reader of HJJ ,bBMTo?rir3"mer'l . POLITICALLY, REPUBLICAN. w ta, ,,t .,., jM tfBtoht3ro . Entered n Second-Class Mutter. Juno 4, 11S, nt the I'onloff Ice lit Price, Utah, Under tho Act of March 3. 1179. tlnA " In the mora Announcement. H 1, VOLUME 1; NUMBER 22. EVERY FRIDAY " ToCTOBERloTml |