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Show Grove Ward Gold And Green Ball Very Much Enjoyed Grove Ward Cold and Green Hall was much enjoyed last Tuesday Tues-day evening. MIA effiers and dance directors can be very proud of their effort.) in making- 'he Gold and Green Hail a. success. Cen Whiting emeeed the floor show, which included dances: Coney Co-ney Island" by the Leehiv; girls; "Honey llee .S.-.nig," Leei.uve-Girls Leei.uve-Girls and 1 :oy Scouts, Mia MauLs and Explore) s; ".'.lardi Gras .Samba," .Sam-ba," Mia Maids; "All American Promenade," IVe Hive Gii Is; "Diane," "Di-ane," Junior- Gleaner s, Gl laners, Junior- M Men and M Men. Robert and Evelyn Hilton sang the theme song', "Hot Me Call You Sweetheart," and the Junior Gleaners sang "Sweethearts." Ina Tomlinson was accompanist. YVVMIA president Arvilla Harvey Har-vey paid tribute to past anil present pres-ent dance directors. She was assisted as-sisted by her counselors, Myrle Armit.st.ead and Lois Jorgensen in pinning cor sages on the ladies and boutonieres on the gentlement. Present dance directors are Evan Ev-an and Betty Brady and Mario and Jackie Brady. |