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Show i Reception Honors Young Couple Mr. and Mrs. Ray Judd on Thursday evening entertained at a nicely arranged reception honoring honor-ing their daughter Jeniel and Grant Fugal, who were married earlier in the day in the Salt Lake LDS temple, with Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve, officiating offi-ciating . The affair was held in the spacious spac-ious new home of the groom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Y. Fugal, where lovely flowers and artistic lighting added add-ed charm and romance to the occasion. oc-casion. In the lineup receiving relatives and friends were the bride and groom, the bride's mother and her uncle Art Steele, the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Neils Fugal; matron of honor Mrs. John Fugal; brides maids Helen and Eileen Judd, and attending Matrons Mrs. Kent Giles and Mrs. Bruce Fugal. Boyd Fugal assumed the duties of best man. The attractive bride was gowned gown-ed in white satin and lace, with fingertip viel of fine net, and fell from a crown of seed pearls, and carried a bouquet of orchids nestled nest-led in white carnations, with lacy streamers with sliver bells. Her attendants donned pastel formals, and held harmonizing fans of carnations or daffodils. Both, mothers wore attractive dark gowns, on which they pinned carnations, as did also Mrs. Neil Fugal, who with her husband welcomed guests at the door. Romantic and enchanting music was played throughout the receiving rece-iving hours. In the gift room arranging the display were Mrs. Boyd Fugal, Mrs. Glen Tomer, and Mrs. Helga Frier, Mrs. Vance West, greeted and led guests to the gift room and dining room; She mas assisted by Vance Joe West, Lois Fugal and Lyman Nlelson. The long table in the dining room was centered with a beautiful beauti-ful wedding cake, flanked with white candles. Mrs. Porter Gooch and Mrs. Robert Holdaway were dining room hostesses, and young ladies daintily clad in formals served. ser-ved. They were Carol and Gerald-ine Gerald-ine Gooch, Anne West, Annette Ahlstrom, Lois Steele, and Geniel Fugal. They were assisted by Mrs. Eva Steele and Mrs. Itha Ahlstrom. . Immedately following the reception recep-tion the newly weds left for a honeymoon trip to Utah's Dixie and the Southern Utah canyons and upon their return will be at home in1 the Neil Y. Fugal apartments, apart-ments, y Accompanying the very popular young couple to the temple on Thursday morning and witnessing Mrs. Ray Judd, mo (emn the impressive service were Mrs. Ray Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Fugal, Mrs. Vance West, Bishop and Mrs. Boyd Fugal, Mr. and Mrs. John Fugal, and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Giles. Following the marriage, the party, joined by Miss Helen Judd, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neils Fugal at the Temple Square Hotel. |