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Show Bank of P. G. Re-Elect Directors All officers and directors of the Bank of Pleasant Grove were returned re-turned the office after a vote by stockholders was taken at the annual meeting held at the bank building Tuesday afternoon. According to Junius A. West, executive vice president and cashier, cash-ier, Joseph T. Allen, C. J. Cob-bley, Cob-bley, Keith H. Jacobs, Lewis E. Olpin, H. V. Swenson and J. A. West were returned as the board of directors for another year. The board of directors in turn re-elected all officers serving for the past year: C. J. Cobbley, president; presi-dent; Junius A. West, executive vice president and cashier; and Kay L. Jacobs assistant cashier, A dividend of 10 per cent was voted to stockholders for 1950. Capital of the bank is now $50,000. Mr. West stated that the surplus sur-plus of the bank was increased from $90,000 to $100,000, In the annual report loans and surplus showed an increase over 1949, as did savings deposits. Demand accounts, ac-counts, Mr, West said, were a-bout a-bout the same as in 1949, "The Bank of Pleasant Grove Is in a better position than ever before, be-fore, in. its history to serve its patrons. The management wishes to extend its appreciation to the stockholders, depositors and patrons pat-rons for their support and confidence, confi-dence, It is the desire of the officers of-ficers and employes to continue to give adequate and efficient banking bank-ing facilities to, the community." Mr. West stated., |