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Show s V f TO CHECK COLD SVMPTOMS AT THE VERY START- ANAHIST HAS PROVED RIGHT FDR OUR FAMILY TOO! SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE THAM OLD- 1 FASHfONEP COLD 'REMEDIES' I iX r'rZ' V i I i " i F X w Ji IxV ' WW V V: STOPS COLD SYKiPTG!2$ in many cases- in f; 1 a single day! JIL. Check7 sniffler, fdgl: sneezes, similar cold Ka,iAf1B miseries at Ae eery I in-:)., ; start! anahist does I "SS?;?,' ; what no aspirin, qui- zAs.-Jz j nine nor old-fashioned rils.rzrS? cold pills can ever do! ttJ Contains pure anti-histamine-proueti right by doctors ino 12 authoritative clinical tests. Two companion products -anahist Tablets Tab-lets and new anahist Atomizer,) anahist CO., inc., Yonkers 2, N. YJ America's Number Ons Antihistamine CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. . WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT selection of businesses for sale all over America. Write for free directory. CHARLES FORD Si ASSOCIATES 117 N. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO 2, ILL. TO RENT OR LEASE MODERN STORE Will Lease 36 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. Utah JOHN C. CUTLER ASS'N. 614 Constitution Bid?. Salt Lake City, Utah 15-0650 Mornings Planning for the Future? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! flow To Relievo iroiicliifis Creomulsioarelievespromptlybecausa it goes right to the seat of the troublo to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CEiEOUL'SBO reliavu Coughi, Chert Colds, Acuta Bronchltuj For othtogS f I O relief, rub on... J VaPORUB WHEN YOU CANT When other cough drops fafl, I GH REAL 3 WAY RELIEF! I 1. Ease dry throat tickle 1 2. Soothe irritated membrane I 3. Help loosen clinging throat 1 "I'".MMM.,.. J SMITH BROTHERS j brighter teeth Personal To Women With Nagging Backache As we ret older, (tress and train, ovr txertloa, excessive molting r exposure t eold ometime ilove down kidney function. func-tion. Thii may lead many folio to com plain of nagging backache, low of pep and energy, headache and dizziness. Getting np night or frequent passages may result from minor bladder Irritations dus to cold, dampness or dietary Indiscretion. If your discomforts are due to these causes, don't wait, try Doan's Pills, a mild diuretic. Used successfully by on 11 lions for over 60 years. While these symptoms may often otherwise occur. It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief-help relief-help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and altera flush out waste. Get Doan's Fills today! Doah's Pills m just one week Amazing results proved by independent scientific test. For cleaner teeth, for a brighter smile ... try Caloz yourself 1 M A product of MCKESSON A BOBBINS WNU W 0751 &B 'FOR tm S MEATLESS 3 MEALS 3 f? .-.1 few y-c jew , Van-CampVSpanigh Rice aJ appeals to all tastes with iu Cffljl Qtrae Spanish flavor. Deli- cious itself ... a happy com- b iiiation with fish, shrimp. Van Camp's Tendcroni is 'w f& different . . . lighter whiter Qfct Kgp than any other macaroni fgg r2J product. Cooks in only 7 - jj minutes. Needs no blanch- t"J jwws ing. Extra good with cheese, r p seafood, sauces. I Tou'll be proud of vv ' ! your strong, 'VCf husky children -:"" " -"' ' ! when you g-We tSX them Soott'i t V w" Emulsion every Vs 1 ' dsyt Scott'. Is VA. tj vw---" . "gold mine" J&L1SJ of naturalA&O ! Vitamins and enerar-bulldlns nirfural OIL Helps chUdren stow right, develop sound teeth, strong bones. f Helps ward off colds when they lack enough A&D Vitamin food. Many doctors recommend it. Economical. Buy today a your drug store. MORE than just a tonic ' powerful nourishment! |