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Show Luca'i News Clarence and Margaret D. Rind-ileish Rind-ileish and yui;:!! Kent of Salt Lake City v-ere dinner guests on Xmas day of Mrs. RnuifU'ish's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mi'len D. Radmall and family. President and Mrs. Merrill N. Warnick entertained their family at their traditional Christmas eve supper and party, with gifts and amusing games for all. Gathered at the family home to rejoice with father and mother were Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Warnick and Sandra, San-dra, Mr. and Mrs. Reed H. Walker and Susan and Colleen, Mr. and Mrs. Hack Csteigaard and Laurel. Arlen, Steven and Scott; Miss Ef-fie Ef-fie Warnick of Provo; Miss Carol Porter, Miss Jane Eddington, and the immediate family members. Mr. and Mrs. Helge V. Swenson celebrated their wedding anniversary anniver-sary with a turkey dinner for their family. Seated at the beautifully decorated table were Mr. and Mrs. George Gourley and two sons of Holladay; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Swenson and five children of Lehi; Dr. and Mrs. Paul Christofferson and three sons of Pleasant Grove; Hv nnri Mrs TC Warnick Swen- son and four daughters of Manila; Man-ila; Miss Effie Warnick of Provo and the host and hostess. Gifts were exchanged and games were played. As a wonderful climax to the pleasant evening they received a telephone call from Lansing, Michigan and heard their son, Richard, Inez and Linda wish them many happy returns of the day. |