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Show Navy Commission Giverr Local Boy Newport, R. I. Among the 777 enlisted men receiving ensign's en-sign's commissions here today at the Navy's only Officer Candidate School was Stanley Dean Bezz-ant, Bezz-ant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bez-zant Bez-zant of Pleasant Grove. College degrees are required of all candidates and in four rigorous months, the class the eighth and largest since the school opened in June, 1951 covered the same naval na-val subjects that college NROTC students do in four years. Foremost Fore-most in their training was the study of gunnery, navigation, seamanship, sea-manship, engineering, damage control con-trol and operations. Former graduates of this school are already serving aboard every ev-ery conceivable type naval craft from ice breakers and minesweepers minesweep-ers to destroyers and submarines. And they are serving, too, as jet pilots, beach masters, "frog men" and demolition experts. There arc even OCS graduates in Korean fox holes, acting as gunnery liaision officers for the Marines. |