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Show Local News Mrs. Lucille H. Walker on Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon attended a meeting meet-ing at the Utah State Capitol with Winnifrcd Hazen. state consultant on Family Relations. The meeting was for the purpose of planning the family relations conferences in Alpine School district. Mrs. Merrill N. Warniek on Friday Fri-day afternoon attended a youth planning meeting for Utah County at Provo. Alroy Gillman of Lindon was chairman. David Sharp of Logan, state 4-H leader was the speaker. The meeting was under the direction of County agents S. R. Boswell, Nobel D. Hart and Mrs. Jeniev Poulsom LDS Girls committee of Lindon ward enjoyed a spaghetti supper and social on Monday evening honoring hon-oring Mrs. Cleora Maxfield, who is retiring from the committee. Carrying out a valentine motive, the affair was held at the home of Mrs'. Juanita Larson. Present besides be-sides the honor guest were Mrs. Helois Johnson, chairman, Mrs. Florence Gillman, secretary, and Mrs. Ella Smith, Mrs. Pearl Ercan-brack, Ercan-brack, Mrs. Hazel Bullock and Mrs. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Richards entertained friends at a prettily arranged midnight dinner at their home following trie dancing club party at the Apollo hall Friday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill N. Warniek, Mr. and Mrs. L. P Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Beck, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jense and the host and hostess. Mrs. Richards was assisted assist-ed by her daughters, Eloise and Rotalie. Mr .and Mrs. Karl Banks, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Warniek and Mr. and Irs. J. A West with other high school principals and school board members of the Alpine district dis-trict will leave Saturday for San Francisco where they will on Monday, Mon-day, Tuesday and Wednesday attend at-tend the national convention of high scnool principals and executives. execut-ives. Among others going will be Principal and Mrs. Jesse M. Walker Walk-er of American Fork and Principal and Mrs. L. B. Adamson of Lehi. |