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Show Pretty Date Dress for Juniors Dainty Aprons Are Easy Sewing Three-in-One Cabinet I To Grace Living Room AACXO. RLCORU PLAYER A NP ALBUM CABINETS I UNIT if PATTERN300 j The Right Music Cabinet U7HETHER you need a compact three-in-one cabinet or separate sep-arate cabinets for radio, record player and albums, pattern 300 gives directions for building it. A sliding shelf to fit your machine is an important feature. Pattern is 25c. WORKSHOP PATTERN SERVICE Drawer 10 Bedford II ills. New folk. Vffcro lo 4 V' For Hostess Duty 13184 " v here's a pair of colorful H.M.ififiSaBai dutieasPr0Eacfhr CoSs0twaebn. First Gasoline Auto The Automobile Manufacturers association says the first successful success-ful gasoline-engine-propelled motor mo-tor vehicle in the United States, incorporating electric ignition and a spray carburetor, was built and operated in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 21, 1893 by J. Drank Duryea. Stunning Style JUNIOR frock for special dates a stunning style with soft draping at the neckline and full skirt. Try a pretty all over flower print, and tie a narrow belt in a pert bow. rics effectively, each is quickly and easily made. Nice gift idea! Pattern No. 3188 Is In sizes 14, 16, 18. 20; 40, 42 and 44. Size 16, bib apron, l3. yards of 39-inch in plain fabric; 3A yard checked; half apron; l1. yards of 39-inch checked fabric; yard plain. Planning for the Future? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! Pattern No. 3184 is a sew-rhe perforated perfo-rated pattern in sizes 11, 12, 13. 14, 16 and 18. Size 12, 4 yards of 39-inch. Don't miss the Spring and Summer FASHION 1 It's filled with news about fabrics, styles; special features; free pattern printed inside the book. Send 25 cents today. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St., Chlca(o 7, III. Enclose 25 cents In coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name ... Address Swiss Watchmakers Up to 60,000 workers in Switzerland Switzer-land are normally employed in the watchmaking trade one out of every 35 persons engaged in the nation's industries. Keep Posted on Values By Reading the Ads "COLD DEMONS' r'rp4h COT YOE CHILD ? asaEC3iBrC'l -feu- is Don't Jet "Cold Demons" make ANTjix "lWk ker c'ies' feel sore, con- y AM I J Tl gested rub on Mentholatum. is(fM.y tLr Fast' safe Mentholatum helps E&niZnt'Zy? Wp'fi'A Jf lessen congestion. Its vapors . 7& I c" l' i y soothe inflamed passages, ease Jr" -14,' ' coughing spasms. For head V xse s ' coa too . . . makes breathing easier. In jars, tubes. - 1 " r n hi ' -i-ifi in- -irf'rMtfWgnMif-1-'-1-'" - 1r FOR POCKET OR PURSE! ??X Real Mentholatum medication In handy stick form. Brlngi ' quick relief to dry, cracked, chapped lips . . . any time, Tw anywhere Easy to carry, easy to use. Only 35. toY NEW! MENTHOLATUM medicated STICK YU GET ' SAOlVVfZFTfS Fits into measuring cup or small bowl... whips even small amountsl If) if you USE ONLY OtJS HAMPi f Whips cream. ..beats eggs. ..mixes ipr French dressings, gravies, hot cocoa, ff!J milkshakes, fruit juices, mayonnaise, j bi . . , i A w with th word "Snowdrift" abies formulas. ft . ... . . Mr y from itnp you unwind A Nickel-plated iteel rod and boatars. f w wi'h ker Cleans In a rint. f.tf !-' SEE ALL THAT SNOWDRIFT DOES FOR YOU. You get I y?s2Tl 2tfCtfS fkf , richer, lighter, molster cakes with new Snowdrift I J:W In Just 3 minutes mixing time. New qulck- II f M method cakes call for an e.nulsorized shorten- V J 1- And Snowdrift b emulsorized. What's more JL JW Snowdrift mixet quick for tastier biscuits. j- Snowdrift cuts in quick for flaky pastry. And f f Snowdrift rie quick for tastier fried foods. j A A SNOWDRIFT , J p-4!jFL PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING MADE BY THE WESSON OIL PEOPLE -tfcmfS&tfo Abu pl j SN0WDRIFT' p- - Box 567 N,w York 44 N- f- I w J ii' Please send me a Wonder Whlpper. I enclose 35 In coin I :? fj J 1 Bn the word "Snowdrift" clipped from metal band that . unwind3 with ice)'' i j wtctf"1 U City Zone State J vmJZZr OUrnr ptr.i April JO, 130. Od.r limited I U. S. on poii.nlorn. j I i H OW rfIX-T - B HaroId Arnett IMPROVISED jv. SAWBUCK s - qf TO MAKE IMPROVISED ' J5?Vv sawbuck, drive four nsr fvL-M MEDIUM-SIZED SAPLINGS, JY-il SHARPENED ATONE END, jp d AT AN ANGLE ON is'&S L-O OPPOSITE SIDES OF Vd-J A LOG AS INDICATED .V , T AND TIE WHERE THEY VMS$ CR0SS- x THANKS K.M.K. N5Fr5t s NEWPORT KY. i- yOf J)JZ3 i HAMMER STUNT XV7 fj TO START NAIL IN HIGH WORK, PLACE NAIL IN CLAWS WoN dk: OF HAMMER AS INDICATED AND PUSH INTO WOOD : MX r;- THEN DISENGAGE CLAWS V ivvr 1 AN hammer IN- |