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Show NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS Trio of Pay Pas for Little Child Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, sli.chtly more time ij required tn filling orders for a few of th most DODular patterns. Send your order to: Sewlnj Circle Needlecraft Dept. Box 3217 San Francisco 6. Calif. Enclose 20 cenU for Pattern. No Name. Address TPHE best playmates a little chiid could have a happy elephant, ele-phant, a proud bunny and a surprised sur-prised pup all cuddly, soft and safe for baby. Use scraps, (two for each toy) ears separate. Pattern 925 has transfer of three toys; directions. New, improved pattern makes needlework needle-work so simple with Its charts, photos, concise directions. Quickly Relieves Distress of A few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol in each f Double-Duty nostril work fast to I Nose Dropt reliex head cold dis- w . . . tress, make breath- orK "St! lng easier. And if 3& used at first sniffle or ' cyF Jv sneeze, Va-tro-nol rj r' .yJ helps to prevent many colds Y v:v 5' developing! Try it. Follow 7 SJ directions in the package. Filter oil- twice with the AC "D. Star Quality" Oil Filter. AC has the only filter clement with acid, proof glass cloth Collector Tubo Trap, to pre- Vent oil pollu- '.'"'Nv tion and engine wear. One 0I f iTC3 I 10 big AC fea-l JJ MAKE SPARE TIME PROFITS ji',J First time offered for direct iltcTnJ-y sales, patented, widely used household necessity. Every j housewifea prospect. ..should I w? 4 buy on sight. Lifetime op-Uf op-Uf U mA portunity, full or part time, for serious, industrious men ana women. Write today. A post card will bring big money-making offer by return mail. THE SHELDON CO. AtV Mother, She Know . . . Clabber Girl is the '""J l 1 1 iifi i t OuaroDle.a by baking powder with the balanced double action I Good HouMkepinj J . . . Right, in the mixing bowl; Light, from the oven. UinmsS ACX Ah Always 'mFA We H'ghest Market Prices 2bpr For Your EIk and Dcer Skina fjl UTAH DY-PS20DUCTS COosci l 1 463 So. 3rd West Salt Lalte City 4, Utah j Phone 4-2818 U J Branches jj j Ogden 4533 - Logan 49 - Garland 35J3 If n Affiliate H I UTAH HIDE AND TALLOW CO. fj 9 Spanish Fork 88 - Heber City 57J |